digitalmars.D.learn - curl_easy_setopt not callable
- useo6 (14/14) Sep 28 2013 Hi guys,
Hi guys, I recently updated my DMD-setup to 2.063.2 and having some problems using the curl library. I wrote something like that: curl_slist* headers; headers = curl_slist_append(headers, cast(char*) toStringz(user ~ ": " ~ pass)); curl_easy_setopt(ch, CurlOption.timeout_ms, timeout); curl_easy_setopt(ch, CurlOption.httpheader, headers); But dmd says that curl_easy_setopt " not callable using argument types (void, CurlOption, curl_slist*)" and "... is not callable using argument types (void, CurlOption, ushort)" (because timeout is ushort data type). Any suggestions how to solve these problems? In previous dmd-builds it compiles without any errors...
Sep 28 2013