digitalmars.D.learn - so lean?
- Jonathan Marler (16/16) Jun 06 2016 I'm writing some platform specific D code and I've found that
- Vladimir Panteleev (10/27) Jun 06 2016 Erm, not since 2.070:
- Jonathan Marler (71/79) Jun 06 2016 seems to be missing quite alot though. Especially the
- Vladimir Panteleev (4/5) Jun 06 2016 You could've mentioned you meant just the winsock modules.
- Jonathan Marler (6/11) Jun 06 2016 :(
- Mike Parker (2/6) Jun 06 2016 Pull requests for anything you find missing would be great.
- Adam D. Ruppe (3/3) Jun 06 2016 With the newest dmds, if you use -m32mscoff you just use the
I'm writing some platform specific D code and I've found that what the druntime exposes for the windows platform is pretty lean. I'm guessing that the purpose of the druntime version of the windows api is to implement the minimum required to support the windows platform and not meant to be a full-featured interface to windows. Is this the case? If so, is there a good library that someone has implemented to support the full windows API? I think I remember there was one a few years ago, but now I'm unable to find it. I think I remember that the windows .lib files installed with dmd were missing symbols/functions I needed so I had to use the ones in the system32 directory installed with windows. I also had to convert them to OMF (since optlink doesn't support COFF). I'm just wondering if someone can shed some light on this, it's just been a while and google didn't seem to be much help so pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Jun 06 2016
On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:04:30 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:I'm writing some platform specific D code and I've found that what the druntime exposes for the windows platform is pretty lean. I'm guessing that the purpose of the druntime version of the windows api is to implement the minimum required to support the windows platform and not meant to be a full-featured interface to windows. Is this the case?Erm, not since 2.070: so, is there a good library that someone has implemented to support the full windows API? I think I remember there was one a few years ago, but now I'm unable to find it. I think I remember that the windows .lib files installed with dmd were missing symbols/functions I needed so I had to use the ones in the system32 directory installed with windows. I also had to convert them to OMF (since optlink doesn't support COFF). I'm just wondering if someone can shed some light on this, it's just been a while and google didn't seem to be much help so pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks.This is the (former URL of the) library you are thinking of: Or you might've used my GitHub mirror: It has been intergrated into Druntime as the package in 2.070.
Jun 06 2016
On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:13:48 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:04:30 UTC, Jonathan Marler seems to be missing quite alot though. Especially the winsock api. Over the weekend I was writing some code that uses a windows IOCompletionPort and had to add a fair amount of code that was missing: import; import; // NOTE: not sure if this stuff should be included in alias u_long = uint; // NOTE: not sure if uint is the best alias for u_long // The actual sockaddr_in structure in windows is 24 bytes long, // but the sockaddr_in defined in is only 20. // This caused an error when calling AcceptEx that indicated the buffer // size for sockaddr_in was too small. union real_sockaddr_in { sockaddr_in addr; ubyte[24] padding; // make sure the sockaddr_in takes 24 bytes } struct WSABUF { u_long len; char* buf; } alias LPWSABUF = WSABUF*; // NOTE: WSAOVERLAPPED is supposed to be castable to and from OVERLAPPED. // Maybe this doesn't need to be defined, maybe I could just always use OVERLAPPED? struct WSAOVERLAPPED { ULONG* Internal; ULONG* InternalHigh; union { struct { DWORD Offset; DWORD OffsetHigh; } PVOID Pointer; } HANDLE hEvent; } alias LPWSAOVERLAPPED = WSAOVERLAPPED*; alias LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE = void function(uint, uint, LPWSAOVERLAPPED, uint); enum : int { SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER = 0xc8000006, } enum GUID WSAID_ACCEPTEX = {0xb5367df1,0xcbac,0x11cf,[0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92]}; alias LPFN_ACCEPTEX = extern(Windows) bool function(SOCKET listenSocket, SOCKET acceptSocket, PVOID outputBuffer, DWORD receiveDataLength, DWORD localAddressLength, DWORD remoteAddressLength, DWORD* bytesReceived, OVERLAPPED* overlapped) nothrow nogc; extern(Windows) int WSAIoctl(SOCKET s, uint dwIoControlCode, void* lpvInBuffer, uint cbInBuffer, void* lpvOutBuffer, uint cbOutBuffer, uint* lpcbBytesReturned, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine) nothrow nogc; extern(Windows) int WSARecv(SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffer, DWORD bufferCount, LPDWORD numberOfBytesReceived, LPDWORD flags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED overlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE completionRoutine);I'm writing some platform specific D code and I've found that what the druntime exposes for the windows platform is pretty lean. I'm guessing that the purpose of the druntime version of the windows api is to implement the minimum required to support the windows platform and not meant to be a full-featured interface to windows. Is this the case?Erm, not since 2.070:
Jun 06 2016
On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:51:20 UTC, Jonathan Marler seems to be missing quite alot though.You could've mentioned you meant just the winsock modules. They have not been brought over because they were not explicitly under an open-source license.
Jun 06 2016
On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 17:11:44 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:51:20 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote::( (Sorry I didn't realize they were all only in the winsock module) Weird that you could include the standard windows module but not winsock? Also seems odd that a language including bindings to an operating system api would be a licensing seems to be missing quite alot though.You could've mentioned you meant just the winsock modules. They have not been brought over because they were not explicitly under an open-source license.
Jun 06 2016
On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:51:20 UTC, Jonathan Marler seems to be missing quite alot though. Especially the winsock api. Over the weekend I was writing some code that uses a windows IOCompletionPort and had to add a fair amount of code that was missing:Pull requests for anything you find missing would be great.
Jun 06 2016
With the newest dmds, if you use -m32mscoff you just use the Microsoft libraries and linkers and the is pretty full - should be easy to use.
Jun 06 2016