digitalmars.D.learn - const and mutable opApply's
- Oleg B (31/31) Jun 19 2016 Hello
- Steven Schveighoffer (5/8) Jun 20 2016 Someone just asked a similar question about this:
Hello struct WTable { ... private enum opApply_body = q{ if( smt ) { foreach( f; 0 .. size-1 ) foreach( t; f+1 .. size ) if( auto r = dlg(f,t,data[getIndex(f,t)]) ) return r; } else { foreach( f; 0 .. size ) foreach( t; 0 .. size ) { if( f == t ) continue; if( auto r = dlg(f,t,data[getIndex(f,t)]) ) return r; } } return 0; }; int opApply( int delegate(size_t,size_t,T val) dlg ) const { mixin( opApply_body ); } int opApply( int delegate(size_t,size_t,ref T val) dlg ) { mixin( opApply_body ); } } How I can rewrite this code without mixin's and with one (maybe inout) opApply?
Jun 19 2016
On 6/19/16 6:17 PM, Oleg B wrote:Hello...How I can rewrite this code without mixin's and with one (maybe inout) opApply?Someone just asked a similar question about this:$1fr3$1 -Steve
Jun 20 2016