digitalmars.D.learn - compile shared lib with dub
i want to build a shared library (.so) with dub. currently i compile with a shell script, but i'd like to use dub [code] dmd -c test.d -fPIC dmd test.o -shared -g -w -debug -version=Have_cod4xalicebridge [/code] could anyone tell me how my dub.json has to look like? my >failing< dub.json :/ [code] { "name": "cod4xalicebridge", "description": "A minimal D application.", "copyright": "Copyright © 2015, root", "authors": ["root"], "targetType": "dynamicLibrary", "dflags": ["-fPIC", "-shared"], "dependencies": { } } [/code]
Jun 25 2015
ok i actually did everything right x3 ... but my code threw some warnings which are interpreted as errors by default. /solved
Jun 25 2015