digitalmars.D.learn - cast a C char array - offset ?
- irtcupc (14/14) Feb 02 2015 The manual section about interfacing from c states that "type[]"
- FG (3/16) Feb 02 2015 So you have to shift the whole array right by 4 or 8 bytes? Strange.
- irtcupc (42/66) Feb 02 2015 Yes:
- Mike Parker (5/19) Feb 02 2015 That's looking pretty wonky. You're slicing a pointer to a fixed-size
- irtcupc (5/31) Feb 02 2015 It looks like it's here:
The manual section about interfacing from c states that "type[]" is inter-compatible from C to D, however, I face this strange case: - C declaration: char identifier[64]; - D declaration: char[64] identifier; - the result is only correct if i slice by (- pointer size): char[64] fromC(char[64] * thing) { const offs = size_t.sizeof; return thing[-offs.sizeof .. $-offs]; } Is this correct ?
Feb 02 2015
On 2015-02-02 at 13:16, irtcupc wrote:The manual section about interfacing from c states that "type[]" is inter-compatible from C to D, however, I face this strange case: - C declaration: char identifier[64]; - D declaration: char[64] identifier; - the result is only correct if i slice by (- pointer size): char[64] fromC(char[64] * thing) { const offs = size_t.sizeof; return thing[-offs.sizeof .. $-offs]; } Is this correct ?So you have to shift the whole array right by 4 or 8 bytes? Strange. Looks like an alignment issue. Is identifier part of a bigger structure?
Feb 02 2015
On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 12:42:24 UTC, FG wrote:On 2015-02-02 at 13:16, irtcupc wrote:Yes: C struct: #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _Disasm { UIntPtr EIP; UInt64 VirtualAddr; UInt32 SecurityBlock; char CompleteInstr[INSTRUCT_LENGTH]; UInt32 Archi; UInt64 Options; INSTRTYPE Instruction; ARGTYPE Argument1; ARGTYPE Argument2; ARGTYPE Argument3; PREFIXINFO Prefix; InternalDatas Reserved_; } DISASM, *PDISASM, *LPDISASM; #pragma pack() D struct: align(1) struct _Disasm { void * EIP; ulong VirtualAddr; uint SecurityBlock; char [INSTRUCT_LENGTH] CompleteInstr; uint Archi; ulong Options; INSTRTYPE Instruction; ARGTYPE Argument1; ARGTYPE Argument2; ARGTYPE Argument3; PREFIXINFO Prefix; uint Reserved_[40]; } my current understanding is that: - C: char CompleteInstr[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is actually a raw chunk - D: defining the member as char[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is an error - the first member of a D array is the .length - first char actually stands where .length uses to be, which explains the shift. - I cant use fromStringz because it's not a null terminated stringThe manual section about interfacing from c states that "type[]" is inter-compatible from C to D, however, I face this strange case: - C declaration: char identifier[64]; - D declaration: char[64] identifier; - the result is only correct if i slice by (- pointer size): char[64] fromC(char[64] * thing) { const offs = size_t.sizeof; return thing[-offs.sizeof .. $-offs]; } Is this correct ?So you have to shift the whole array right by 4 or 8 bytes? Strange. Looks like an alignment issue. Is identifier part of a bigger structure?
Feb 02 2015
On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:23:23 +0000, irtcupc wrote:my current understanding is that: - C: char CompleteInstr[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is actually a raw chunk - D: defining the member as char[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is an error - the first member of a D array is the .length - first char actually stands where .length uses to be, which explains the shift.nope. fixed length arrays doesn't have dedicated `.length` member. try=20 this: align(1) struct _Disasm { align(1): ... =
Feb 02 2015
On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:32:57 +0000, ketmar wrote:On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:23:23 +0000, irtcupc wrote: =20actually, first align is not necessary at all. i.e.: struct _Disasm { align(1): the difference is that `align` before struct tells how structure should=20 be packed (i.e. when you have `_Disasm[2] arr`). and `align` *inside*=20 struct tells compiler how struct *members* should be packed.=my current understanding is that: - C: char CompleteInstr[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is actually a raw chunk - D: defining the member as char[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is an error - the first member of a D array is the .length - first char actually stands where .length uses to be, which explains the shift.=20 nope. fixed length arrays doesn't have dedicated `.length` member. try this: =20 align(1) struct _Disasm { align(1): ...
Feb 02 2015
On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 13:34:28 UTC, ketmar wrote:On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:32:57 +0000, ketmar wrote:Thx, problem fixed, it works now.On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:23:23 +0000, irtcupc wrote:actually, first align is not necessary at all. i.e.: struct _Disasm { align(1): the difference is that `align` before struct tells how structure should be packed (i.e. when you have `_Disasm[2] arr`). and `align` *inside* struct tells compiler how struct *members* should be current understanding is that: - C: char CompleteInstr[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is actually a raw chunk - D: defining the member as char[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is an error - the first member of a D array is the .length - first char actually stands where .length uses to be, which explains the shift.nope. fixed length arrays doesn't have dedicated `.length` member. try this: align(1) struct _Disasm { align(1): ...
Feb 02 2015
On 2015-02-02 at 14:40, irtcupc wrote:On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 13:34:28 UTC, ketmar wrote:Yeah, without the align(1) inside the struct, the members of the struct were not crammed, so VirtualAddr started in byte x+8 instead of x+4 (on a 32-bit machine), and that was the source of the extra 4-byte shift you encountered.struct _Disasm { align(1): the difference is that `align` before struct tells how structure should be packed (i.e. when you have `_Disasm[2] arr`). and `align` *inside* struct tells compiler how struct *members* should be packed.Thx, problem fixed, it works now.
Feb 02 2015
On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 13:40:30 UTC, irtcupc wrote:On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 13:34:28 UTC, ketmar wrote:Thx again for your help Ketmar and FG, Thx again for the help in the other Q too (the one about snn imports), I share the binding, it's nothing at all but was a fun to do on a off-day... Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:32:57 +0000, ketmar wrote:Thx, problem fixed, it works now.On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:23:23 +0000, irtcupc wrote:actually, first align is not necessary at all. i.e.: struct _Disasm { align(1): the difference is that `align` before struct tells how structure should be packed (i.e. when you have `_Disasm[2] arr`). and `align` *inside* struct tells compiler how struct *members* should be current understanding is that: - C: char CompleteInstr[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is actually a raw chunk - D: defining the member as char[INSTRUCT_LENGTH] is an error - the first member of a D array is the .length - first char actually stands where .length uses to be, which explains the shift.nope. fixed length arrays doesn't have dedicated `.length` member. try this: align(1) struct _Disasm { align(1): ...
Feb 04 2015
On Wed, 04 Feb 2015 16:09:24 +0000, irtcupc wrote:Thx again for your help Ketmar and FG, Thx again for the help in the other Q too (the one about snn imports), I share the binding, it's nothing at all but was a fun to do on a off-day... =20 may want to add it to dub repo and announce in D.announce. don't=20 think that D.announce is only for big projects, everyone is welcome. ;-)=
Feb 04 2015
On 2/2/2015 9:16 PM, irtcupc wrote:The manual section about interfacing from c states that "type[]" is inter-compatible from C to D, however, I face this strange case: - C declaration: char identifier[64]; - D declaration: char[64] identifier; - the result is only correct if i slice by (- pointer size): char[64] fromC(char[64] * thing) { const offs = size_t.sizeof; return thing[-offs.sizeof .. $-offs]; } Is this correct ?That's looking pretty wonky. You're slicing a pointer to a fixed-size array. Why have you declared the parameter as a pointer? What problem are you trying to solve? It would help a bit to see the declaration of the C function that's giving you the array.
Feb 02 2015
On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 12:57:37 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:On 2/2/2015 9:16 PM, irtcupc wrote:It looks like it's here: However i haven't spent the time to dive in there since i'm not a C guy at all.The manual section about interfacing from c states that "type[]" is inter-compatible from C to D, however, I face this strange case: - C declaration: char identifier[64]; - D declaration: char[64] identifier; - the result is only correct if i slice by (- pointer size): char[64] fromC(char[64] * thing) { const offs = size_t.sizeof; return thing[-offs.sizeof .. $-offs]; } Is this correct ?That's looking pretty wonky. You're slicing a pointer to a fixed-size array. Why have you declared the parameter as a pointer? What problem are you trying to solve? It would help a bit to see the declaration of the C function that's giving you the array.
Feb 02 2015