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digitalmars.D.learn - auto scope question?

reply WhatMeWorry <kheaser gmail.com> writes:
I'm naturally getting a undefined identifier `s` error in the 
return.  Is there some way to refactor my code?  I tried to 
declare s outside of the else brackets like:

auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine);
auto s;
     s = screen.output.findSplit("REG_SZ");

but that doesn't compile either.

string[] getPath(string cmdLine)
     auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine);
     if (screen.status != 0)
         writeln(cmdLine, " failed");
         writeln("screen.output = ", screen.output);	
	auto s = screen.output.findSplit("REG_SZ");
         writeln("s[0] = ", s[0]);
         writeln("s[1] = ", s[1]);
         writeln("s[2] = ", s[2]);		
     return (s.split(';'));  // Error: undefined identifier `s`
Oct 25 2022
next sibling parent =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= <acehreli yahoo.com> writes:
On 10/25/22 15:07, WhatMeWorry wrote:

 auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine);
 auto s;
That can't work because there is no information to infer the type of 's'. Judging from the return type of getPath, perhaps it's string[]: string[] s; This is the question we should answer first: What should happen when executeShell fails? a) It is an error; the program should not continue. Then we can use 'enforce' (this is my way of coding): string[] getPath(string cmdLine) { import std.exception : enforce; auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine); enforce(screen.status == 0, format!"%s failed:\n%s"(cmdLine, screen.output)); writeln("screen.output = ", screen.output); auto s = screen.output.findSplit("REG_SZ"); writeln("s[0] = ", s[0]); writeln("s[1] = ", s[1]); writeln("s[2] = ", s[2]); return (s.split(';')); } b) It is not an error; getPath() should return empty array: string[] getPath(string cmdLine) { string[] result; auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine); if (screen.status != 0) { writeln(cmdLine, " failed"); return null; // <-- HERE (null converts to any array type) } else { // ... // Now, 'return' is where 's' is defined: return (s.split(';')); } } Ali
Oct 25 2022
prev sibling parent reply Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy gmail.com> writes:
On 10/25/22 6:07 PM, WhatMeWorry wrote:
 I'm naturally getting a undefined identifier `s` error in the return.  
 Is there some way to refactor my code?  I tried to declare s outside of 
 the else brackets like:
 auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine);
 auto s;
      s = screen.output.findSplit("REG_SZ");
 but that doesn't compile either.
 string[] getPath(string cmdLine)
      auto screen = executeShell(cmdLine);
      if (screen.status != 0)
          writeln(cmdLine, " failed");
          writeln("screen.output = ", screen.output);
      auto s = screen.output.findSplit("REG_SZ");
          writeln("s[0] = ", s[0]);
          writeln("s[1] = ", s[1]);
          writeln("s[2] = ", s[2]);
      return (s.split(';'));  // Error: undefined identifier `s`
As Ali mentioned, your logic is faulty -- you seem to write that the command failed, but then return something anyway. Also, you are returning `string[]`, so just declaring `string[] s;` should be enough. However, I did want to mention that if you do want to hoist a difficult to name type outside where it is declared with an auto, you can use `typeof`: ```d typeof(screen.output.findSplit("")) s; ``` In this case, it's just `string[]`, but the idea here is you can name a type without naming it, by using `typeof` on the expression you would have called. Hope this helps further your D knowledge ;) -Steve
Oct 25 2022
parent WhatMeWorry <kheaser gmail.com> writes:
typeof(screen.output.findSplit("")) s;

Perfect. That was the "essence" of my question. But thanks to 
Ali, I don't have to use such esoteric syntax.  D is a wonderful 
language, but I seem to shoot myself in the foot :)
Oct 25 2022