digitalmars.D.learn - Windows system casting
- Alexander Patapoff (20/20) Jun 06 2016 import std.stdio;
- Mike Parker (31/50) Jun 06 2016 First, Win32 API functions that deal with strings generally come
- Mike Parker (5/8) Jun 06 2016 Oops!
import std.stdio; import std.string; import; void main() { string filepath = "C:\\Users\\awpat\\Pictures\\patterns_00387591.jpg"; auto p = toStringz(filepath); int result; result = SystemParametersInfo(cast(uint)SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, cast(uint)0, cast(void*)p ,cast(uint)SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); } I'm trying to change the background of my computer. to do this I must convert my string to a const char*, then that can implicitly to a (PVOID). I believe that I am losing all my data in the casting process, is there a way for me to keep my data? or if I am casting this improperly can you demonstrate and explain the proper way to cast to a void pointer (PVOID)? thanks!!
Jun 06 2016
On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 19:52:36 UTC, Alexander Patapoff wrote:import std.stdio; import std.string; import; void main() { string filepath = "C:\\Users\\awpat\\Pictures\\patterns_00387591.jpg"; auto p = toStringz(filepath); int result; result = SystemParametersInfo(cast(uint)SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, cast(uint)0, cast(void*)p ,cast(uint)SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); } I'm trying to change the background of my computer. to do this I must convert my string to a const char*, then that can implicitly to a (PVOID). I believe that I am losing all my data in the casting process, is there a way for me to keep my data? or if I am casting this improperly can you demonstrate and explain the proper way to cast to a void pointer (PVOID)?First, Win32 API functions that deal with strings generally come in two flavors, such as SystemParametersInfoA and SystemParametersInfoW. The A variety deals char strings and the W variety deals with UTF16 (wchar in D). By default, the bindings in DRuntime alias the non-suffixed names to the W variety, so SystemParametersInfo is an alias for SystemParametersInfoW. That means you need to use wchar, rather than char for your string parameter unless you call SystemParaetmersInfoA explicitly. Second, string literals in D are always null terminated, so there's no need to call toStringz (or std.utf.toUTF16z for wchar strings) in this case. Third, you don't need all of those casts in there. I assume you tried it without the casts, saw an error message where all the types were different, then applied the casts to all the parameters. No need. It's only necessary for the string pointer. Fourth, while casting the string directly to void* will work, it's considered best practice to use the pointer property for clarity. With all of that in mind, either of the following should work for you: // Using string -- note the A suffic on the function name auto path = "C:\\Users\\awpat\\Pictures\\patterns_00387591.jpg"; auto result = SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, cast(void*)path ,SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); assert(result); // Using wstring -- note the w suffix on the string literal auto path = "C:\\Downloads\\LearningD_Cover.jpg"w; auto result = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, cast(void*)path ,SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); assert(result);
Jun 06 2016
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at 04:06:01 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:Fourth, while casting the string directly to void* will work, it's considered best practice to use the pointer property for clarity.Oops! cast(void*)path.ptr In both cases. Like I said, without .ptr, it works, but this makes it clear at a glance what's going on.
Jun 06 2016