digitalmars.D.learn - Why rbtree.length isn't const?
- drug (1/1) Feb 26 2015 Is it intended by some reason?
- Steven Schveighoffer (6/7) Feb 26 2015 No, it can be fixed. RBTree was not written to support const because D
- drug (2/4) Mar 01 2015 Done:
On 2/26/15 3:20 AM, drug wrote:Is it intended by some reason?No, it can be fixed. RBTree was not written to support const because D doesn't support tail-const ranges, which makes const really difficult to deal with. But length can definitely be const. Please submit an issue. -Steve
Feb 26 2015
On 26.02.2015 18:44, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:Please submit an issue. -SteveDone:
Mar 01 2015