digitalmars.D.learn - Vibe.d: Implementing file upload with WEB interface
So I implemented a file upload at I'm trying to understand how HTTPServerRequest req.files can be accessed when using the web interface (Porting the same example to use vibe.d WEB interface). I couldn't find the implementation details in the docs either. import vibe.d; static this() { auto router = new URLRouter; router.get("*", staticTemplate!"index.dt");"/upload", &upload); auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings; settings.port = 8080; settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""]; listenHTTP(settings, router); logInfo("Server Running"); } void upload(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) { // File upload here auto file = "document" in req.files; try { moveFile(file.tempPath, Path("./public/uploads") ~ file.filename); logInfo("Uploaded successfully!"); } catch (Exception e) { logInfo("Exception thrown, trying copy"); copyFile(file.tempPath, Path("./public/uploads") ~ file.filename); } res.redirect("/"); }
Jan 09 2017
On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 19:36:18 UTC, aberba wrote: Turns out my question was answered somewhere on vibe.d websiteFor those situations where more control is required, it is possible to simply declare parameters of type HTTPServerRequest or HTTPServerResponse to give a method full access.
Jan 11 2017