digitalmars.D.learn - Using an external Assembler with D
- solidstate1991 (13/13) Apr 24 2018 In order to make one of my own code more readable (and hopefully
- Stefan Koch (3/16) Apr 25 2018 Pass stuff on the stack ;)
- solidstate1991 (3/5) Apr 25 2018 Thanks! What about extern (D)? Is there a big chaos in the D ABI
- Stefan Koch (3/8) Apr 26 2018 I think the D abi is not actually properly spec'd. But I may be
In order to make one of my own code more readable (and hopefully to avoid a lot of compiling errors under LDC, which don't happen in DMD for some reason), I'm planning to put my assembly functions into separate files for each system that needs them, mainly due to the lack of proper SIMD support, mainly due to these functions are relatively easy to implement. Here's a few questions of mine: - Can I return vectors in XMM registers and accept arguments as vectors in them? - How much is the D ABI differs on DMD and LDC for x86? I'm planning to support both (with mainly using DMD as a debug compiler for its speed), and want the most universal solution possible.
Apr 24 2018
On Tuesday, 24 April 2018 at 21:02:07 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:In order to make one of my own code more readable (and hopefully to avoid a lot of compiling errors under LDC, which don't happen in DMD for some reason), I'm planning to put my assembly functions into separate files for each system that needs them, mainly due to the lack of proper SIMD support, mainly due to these functions are relatively easy to implement. Here's a few questions of mine: - Can I return vectors in XMM registers and accept arguments as vectors in them? - How much is the D ABI differs on DMD and LDC for x86? I'm planning to support both (with mainly using DMD as a debug compiler for its speed), and want the most universal solution possible.Pass stuff on the stack ;) and use extern (C) functions.
Apr 25 2018
On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 15:25:42 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:Pass stuff on the stack ;) and use extern (C) functions.Thanks! What about extern (D)? Is there a big chaos in the D ABI under x86?
Apr 25 2018
On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 20:31:46 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 15:25:42 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:I think the D abi is not actually properly spec'd. But I may be wrong about that.Pass stuff on the stack ;) and use extern (C) functions.Thanks! What about extern (D)? Is there a big chaos in the D ABI under x86?
Apr 26 2018