digitalmars.D.learn - The reason of vibed slow down (request timeout)
I have simple web-app. Server part is based on vibed I can't understand the reason of issue. after some days of work when I trying to open it in web-browser it's begin opening very slooowly, or like now does not opens at all. On mobile web-browser I am getting request-timeout. How I can diagnostic the reason of such behavior? The sources code is here
Feb 02 2017
If I open it's from VPS (as localhost:8080) it's work same as from Internet (no do not open at all).
Feb 02 2017
On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 06:46:37 UTC, Suliman wrote:If I open it's from VPS (as localhost:8080) it's work same as from Internet (no do not open at all).If problem is reproducible on localhost - very good, just debug it. If you have memory leak and can't figure out source, try valgrind tool - it can help. P.S. Русские комментарии в коде - плохой стиль.
Feb 02 2017
On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 07:44:15 UTC, crimaniak wrote:On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 06:46:37 UTC, Suliman wrote:This tool is nix only. I checked memory footprint, and it's show that app use impossible low memory I reread sources and still don't understand where it can be problem place.If I open it's from VPS (as localhost:8080) it's work same as from Internet (no do not open at all).If problem is reproducible on localhost - very good, just debug it. If you have memory leak and can't figure out source, try valgrind tool - it can help. P.S. Русские комментарии в коде - плохой стиль.
Feb 04 2017
On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 06:46:37 UTC, Suliman wrote:If I open it's from VPS (as localhost:8080) it's work same as from Internet (no do not open at all).One this I may suggest is the port if its used already (8080). Try to use; import std.process: environment; settings.port = environment.get("PORT", "8080").to!short;
Feb 03 2017