digitalmars.D.learn - Static Initialization of Associative Arrays
- Tyro[a.c.edwards] (13/13) Mar 30 2008 D v2.012 currently allows the following:
- Simen Kjaeraas (5/20) Mar 31 2008 Weird. This works under DMD 1.026, and under DMD 2.012 if I don't use th...
- Jarrett Billingsley (6/20) Mar 31 2008 I would have expected something like:
- badmadevil (12/44) Mar 31 2008 It seems matter only the _method_ of initialization.
D v2.012 currently allows the following: int[char[]] eroMatrix = ["SA":1, "SB":2, "SP":3, "KK":4]; foreach(k, v; eroMatrix) writefln(k, "->", v); // output: SA->1 SB->2 SP->3 KK->4 However attempts to directly access a "key:value" pair results in an ArrayBoundsError. Any idea why? Is there a temporary workaround available? writefln(eroMatrix["SA"]) // ArrayBoundsError Thanks, Andrew
Mar 30 2008
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:52:17 +0200, Tyro[a.c.edwards] <no> wrot= e:D v2.012 currently allows the following: int[char[]] eroMatrix =3D ["SA":1, "SB":2, "SP":3, "KK":4]; foreach(k, v; eroMatrix) writefln(k, "->", v); // output: SA->1 SB->2 SP->3 KK->4 However attempts to directly access a "key:value" pair results in an =ArrayBoundsError. Any idea why? Is there a temporary workaround =available? writefln(eroMatrix["SA"]) // ArrayBoundsError Thanks, AndrewWeird. This works under DMD 1.026, and under DMD 2.012 if I don't use th= e = literal.
Mar 31 2008
"Tyro[a.c.edwards]" <no> wrote in message news:fspu6h$2kps$1 v2.012 currently allows the following: int[char[]] eroMatrix = ["SA":1, "SB":2, "SP":3, "KK":4]; foreach(k, v; eroMatrix) writefln(k, "->", v); // output: SA->1 SB->2 SP->3 KK->4 However attempts to directly access a "key:value" pair results in an ArrayBoundsError. Any idea why? Is there a temporary workaround available? writefln(eroMatrix["SA"]) // ArrayBoundsError Thanks, AndrewI would have expected something like: writefln(eroMatrix[eroMatrix.keys[0]]); to work, but it doesn't. O_o
Mar 31 2008
Jarrett Billingsley wrote:"Tyro[a.c.edwards]" <no> wrote in message news:fspu6h$2kps$1 seems matter only the _method_ of initialization. int[char[]] eroMatrix = ["SA":1, "SB":2, "SP":3, "KK":4]; // literal eroMatrix["00"] = 9 ; // direct foreach(k; eroMatrix.keys.sort) { writef(k, "->", typeid(typeof(k)), "->") ; writefln( eroMatrix[k]); }D v2.012 currently allows the following: int[char[]] eroMatrix = ["SA":1, "SB":2, "SP":3, "KK":4]; foreach(k, v; eroMatrix) writefln(k, "->", v); // output: SA->1 SB->2 SP->3 KK->4 However attempts to directly access a "key:value" pair results in an ArrayBoundsError. Any idea why? Is there a temporary workaround available? writefln(eroMatrix["SA"]) // ArrayBoundsError Thanks, AndrewI would have expected something like: writefln(eroMatrix[eroMatrix.keys[0]]); to work, but it doesn't. O_o00->const(char)[]->9 KK->const(char)[]-> Error: ArrayBoundsError aatst(10) PS:D 2.0 change the key's type from char[] to const(char)[], D 1.0 not.OUTPUT:
Mar 31 2008