digitalmars.D.learn - Save/load data to a file
- nobody (13/13) Nov 16 2008 I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (...
- Christopher Wright (8/24) Nov 16 2008 XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find
- bearophile (4/6) Nov 16 2008 I don't know if a D library is available for Json file format, it has so...
- Jarrett Billingsley (2/6) Nov 16 2008 Tango has one, tango.text.json.Json.
- nobody (4/28) Nov 16 2008 Unfortunately I'm using phobos, and I think std.xml is only for D2.0.
- Alan Knowles (4/38) Nov 17 2008 This should work, although I really need to rewrite some of it to use
- Denis Koroskin (6/21) Nov 16 2008 I know there is a doost.serializer
- Bill Baxter (19/19) Nov 16 2008 T24gTW9uLCBOb3YgMTcsIDIwMDggYXQgNTo1MyBBTSwgRGVuaXMgS29yb3NraW4gPDJrb3Jk...
- nobody (5/42) Nov 17 2008 Oh, I've also used some other team0xf stuff, and that worked splendidly,...
- Bill Baxter (40/40) Nov 17 2008 T24gTW9uLCBOb3YgMTcsIDIwMDggYXQgMTE6MDcgUE0sIG5vYm9keSA8c29tZWJvZHlAc29t...
- Derek Parnell (19/35) Nov 16 2008 It depends ... do you wish to save the data as a text representation or ...
I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?
Nov 16 2008
nobody wrote:I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find it's still a reasonable choice in many circumstances. If you're using Tango, you can check out tango.text.xml.Document, which will let you construct an XML document, and tango.text.xml.DocPrinter, which will let you get the textual representation of such a document. In phobos, there's std.xml, which should offer equivalent functionality, but I haven't used it.
Nov 16 2008
Christopher Wright:XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find it's still a reasonable choice in many circumstances.I don't know if a D library is available for Json file format, it has some advantages and some disadvantages over XML (). Bye, bearophile
Nov 16 2008
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 3:03 PM, bearophile <bearophileHUGS> wrote:Christopher Wright:Tango has one, tango.text.json.Json.XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find it's still a reasonable choice in many circumstances.I don't know if a D library is available for Json file format, it has some advantages and some disadvantages over XML ().
Nov 16 2008
"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan> wrote in message news:gfpsdt$2uhd$1 wrote:Unfortunately I'm using phobos, and I think std.xml is only for D2.0. Is there no similar for D1.0?I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find it's still a reasonable choice in many circumstances. If you're using Tango, you can check out tango.text.xml.Document, which will let you construct an XML document, and tango.text.xml.DocPrinter, which will let you get the textual representation of such a document. In phobos, there's std.xml, which should offer equivalent functionality, but I haven't used it.
Nov 16 2008
This should work, although I really need to rewrite some of it to use streams. nobody wrote:"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan> wrote in message news:gfpsdt$2uhd$1 wrote:Unfortunately I'm using phobos, and I think std.xml is only for D2.0. Is there no similar for D1.0?I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find it's still a reasonable choice in many circumstances. If you're using Tango, you can check out tango.text.xml.Document, which will let you construct an XML document, and tango.text.xml.DocPrinter, which will let you get the textual representation of such a document. In phobos, there's std.xml, which should offer equivalent functionality, but I haven't used it.
Nov 17 2008
"Alan Knowles" <alan> wrote in message news:4922079E.3080401 should work, although I really need to rewrite some of it to use streams. nobody wrote:Hmm, I'm clearly doing something wrong because I can't get it to properly save doubles/reals.. void main() { struct A { char[] sval = "test"; bool bval = true; int ival = 3; double dval = 4f/3; real rval = 8f/3; } A a; auto x = jsonO(); //x.add("key1",a.sval); //x.add("key2",a.bval); x.add("key3",a.ival); x.add("key4",jsonV(a.dval)); x.add("key5",jsonV(a.rval)); auto encoded = x.encode(); std.file.write("test.dat",encoded); ubyte[] file = cast(ubyte[])"test.dat"); auto decoded = jsonDecode(file); //writefln(decoded.getN("key1")); //writefln(decoded.getN("key2")); writefln(decoded.getN("key3")); writefln(decoded.getN("key4")); writefln(decoded.getN("key5")); } This writes to file: {"key3":3,"key4":1,"key5":2} So the double & real seem to be converted to int. What am I doing wrong?"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan> wrote in message news:gfpsdt$2uhd$1 wrote:Unfortunately I'm using phobos, and I think std.xml is only for D2.0. Is there no similar for D1.0?I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?XML is commonly used, and while I don't particularly like it, I find it's still a reasonable choice in many circumstances. If you're using Tango, you can check out tango.text.xml.Document, which will let you construct an XML document, and tango.text.xml.DocPrinter, which will let you get the textual representation of such a document. In phobos, there's std.xml, which should offer equivalent functionality, but I haven't used it.
Nov 18 2008
struct A { char[] sval = "test"; bool bval = true; int ival = 3; double dval = 4f/3; real rval = 8f/3; } should likely be: struct A { char[] sval = "test"; bool bval = true; int ival = 3; double dval = 4f/3f; // 4/3f should work to real rval = 8f/3f; }
Nov 21 2008
16.11.08 в 18:55 nobody в своём письме писал(а):I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?I know there is a doost.serializer ( but I never used it myself so I can't say whether it fill fit you. I am also prototyping another one at the moment, but I don't know how far will it take.
Nov 16 2008
T24gTW9uLCBOb3YgMTcsIDIwMDggYXQgNTo1MyBBTSwgRGVuaXMgS29yb3NraW4gPDJrb3JkZW5A Z21haWwuY29tPiB3cm90ZToKPiAxNi4xMS4wOCDXIDE4OjU1IG5vYm9keSDXINPXz6PNINDJ09jN xSDQydPBzCjBKToKPgo+PiBJIHdvdWxkIGxpa2UgdG8gYmUgYWJsZSB0byBzYXZlIGFuZCBsb2Fk IGEgbG90IG9mIGRhdGEgdG8vZnJvbSBhIGZpbGUuIChpbgo+PiBEMSkKPj4gRm9yIGV4YW1wbGUg YSBzdHJ1Y3QgbGlrZSB0aGlzOgo+Pgo+PiBzdHJ1Y3QgRnJ1aXQKPj4gewo+PiAgICBpbnQgYmFu YW5hOwo+PiAgICBkb3VibGVbXVtdIG9yYW5nZTsKPj4gICAgYm9vbFtdIGFwcGxlOwo+PiB9Cj4+ Cj4+IFByYWN0aWNhbGx5IGFsbCB0aGUgZXhhbXBsZXMgdGhhdCBJJ3ZlIGNvbWUgYWNyb3NzIG9u bHkgZGVhbCB3aXRoIHNhdmluZwo+PiBhbmQKPj4gbG9hZGluZyB0ZXh0LCBzbyBJJ20gaGF2aW5n IGEgaGFyZCB0aW1lIGRlYWxpbmcgd2l0aCBzYXZpbmcvbG9hZGluZwo+PiBhcnJheXMvZmxvYXRz L2Jvb2xzL2V0Yy4KPj4KPj4gV2hhdCB3b3VsZCBiZSBhIGdvb2Qgd2F5IHRvIGRvIHRoaXM/Cj4+ Cj4+Cj4KPiBJIGtub3cgdGhlcmUgaXMgYSBkb29zdC5zZXJpYWxpemVyCj4gKGh0dHA6Ly9kc291 cmNlLm9yZy9wcm9qZWN0cy9kb29zdC93aWtpL1NlcmlhbGl6ZXIpIGJ1dCBJIG5ldmVyIHVzZWQg aXQKPiBteXNlbGYgc28gSSBjYW4ndCBzYXkgd2hldGhlciBpdCBmaWxsIGZpdCB5b3UuCj4gSSBh bSBhbHNvIHByb3RvdHlwaW5nIGFub3RoZXIgb25lIGF0IHRoZSBtb21lbnQsIGJ1dCBJIGRvbid0 IGtub3cgaG93IGZhcgo+IHdpbGwgaXQgdGFrZS4KPgoKdGVhbTB4ZiBoYXMgYSBsaWJyYXJ5IGNh bGxlZCB4cG9zZQp3aGljaCBkb2VzIHNlcmlhbGl6YXRpb24gdG8gYW5kIGZyb20gYSBiaW5hcnkg Zm9ybWF0LgoKQ2FuIGJlIGZvdW5kIGhlcmU6Cmh0dHA6Ly90ZWFtMHhmLmNvbTo4MDgwL3hmL2Zp bGUvMWViNDNmMDY1N2VjL3hwb3NlLwoKSXQncyBwYXJ0IG9mIHhmLCB3aGljaCB5b3UgY2FuIGdl dCB1c2luZyBoZzoKaGcgY2xvbmUgaHR0cDovL3RlYW0weGYuY29tOjgwODAveGYKCgotLWJiCg==
Nov 16 2008
"Bill Baxter" <wbaxter> wrote in message news:mailman.5.1226871464.22690.digitalmars-d-learn Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 5:53 AM, Denis Koroskin <2korden> wrote:Oh, I've also used some other team0xf stuff, and that worked splendidly, so I'll check it out. Thanks.16.11.08 18:55 nobody ϣ ():team0xf has a library called xpose which does serialization to and from a binary format. Can be found here: It's part of xf, which you can get using hg: hg clone --bbI would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?I know there is a doost.serializer ( but I never used it myself so I can't say whether it fill fit you. I am also prototyping another one at the moment, but I don't know how far will it take.
Nov 17 2008
T24gTW9uLCBOb3YgMTcsIDIwMDggYXQgMTE6MDcgUE0sIG5vYm9keSA8c29tZWJvZHlAc29tZXdo ZXJlLmNvbT4gd3JvdGU6Cj4KPiAiQmlsbCBCYXh0ZXIiIDx3YmF4dGVyQGdtYWlsLmNvbT4gd3Jv dGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZQo+IG5ld3M6bWFpbG1hbi41LjEyMjY4NzE0NjQuMjI2OTAuZGlnaXRhbG1h cnMtZC1sZWFybkBwdXJlbWFnaWMuY29tLi4uCj4+IE9uIE1vbiwgTm92IDE3LCAyMDA4IGF0IDU6 NTMgQU0sIERlbmlzIEtvcm9za2luIDwya29yZGVuQGdtYWlsLmNvbT4gd3JvdGU6Cj4+PiAxNi4x MS4wOCDXIDE4OjU1IG5vYm9keSDXINPXz6PNINDJ09jNxSDQydPBzCjBKToKPj4+Cj4+Pj4gSSB3 b3VsZCBsaWtlIHRvIGJlIGFibGUgdG8gc2F2ZSBhbmQgbG9hZCBhIGxvdCBvZiBkYXRhIHRvL2Zy b20gYSBmaWxlLgo+Pj4+IChpbgo+Pj4+IEQxKQo+Pj4+IEZvciBleGFtcGxlIGEgc3RydWN0IGxp a2UgdGhpczoKPj4+Pgo+Pj4+IHN0cnVjdCBGcnVpdAo+Pj4+IHsKPj4+PiAgICBpbnQgYmFuYW5h Owo+Pj4+ICAgIGRvdWJsZVtdW10gb3JhbmdlOwo+Pj4+ICAgIGJvb2xbXSBhcHBsZTsKPj4+PiB9 Cj4+Pj4KPj4+PiBQcmFjdGljYWxseSBhbGwgdGhlIGV4YW1wbGVzIHRoYXQgSSd2ZSBjb21lIGFj cm9zcyBvbmx5IGRlYWwgd2l0aCBzYXZpbmcKPj4+PiBhbmQKPj4+PiBsb2FkaW5nIHRleHQsIHNv IEknbSBoYXZpbmcgYSBoYXJkIHRpbWUgZGVhbGluZyB3aXRoIHNhdmluZy9sb2FkaW5nCj4+Pj4g YXJyYXlzL2Zsb2F0cy9ib29scy9ldGMuCj4+Pj4KPj4+PiBXaGF0IHdvdWxkIGJlIGEgZ29vZCB3 YXkgdG8gZG8gdGhpcz8KPj4+Pgo+Pj4+Cj4+Pgo+Pj4gSSBrbm93IHRoZXJlIGlzIGEgZG9vc3Qu c2VyaWFsaXplcgo+Pj4gKGh0dHA6Ly9kc291cmNlLm9yZy9wcm9qZWN0cy9kb29zdC93aWtpL1Nl cmlhbGl6ZXIpIGJ1dCBJIG5ldmVyIHVzZWQgaXQKPj4+IG15c2VsZiBzbyBJIGNhbid0IHNheSB3 aGV0aGVyIGl0IGZpbGwgZml0IHlvdS4KPj4+IEkgYW0gYWxzbyBwcm90b3R5cGluZyBhbm90aGVy IG9uZSBhdCB0aGUgbW9tZW50LCBidXQgSSBkb24ndCBrbm93IGhvdyBmYXIKPj4+IHdpbGwgaXQg dGFrZS4KPj4+Cj4+Cj4+IHRlYW0weGYgaGFzIGEgbGlicmFyeSBjYWxsZWQgeHBvc2UKPj4gd2hp Y2ggZG9lcyBzZXJpYWxpemF0aW9uIHRvIGFuZCBmcm9tIGEgYmluYXJ5IGZvcm1hdC4KPj4KPj4g Q2FuIGJlIGZvdW5kIGhlcmU6Cj4+IGh0dHA6Ly90ZWFtMHhmLmNvbTo4MDgwL3hmL2ZpbGUvMWVi NDNmMDY1N2VjL3hwb3NlLwo+Pgo+PiBJdCdzIHBhcnQgb2YgeGYsIHdoaWNoIHlvdSBjYW4gZ2V0 IHVzaW5nIGhnOgo+PiBoZyBjbG9uZSBodHRwOi8vdGVhbTB4Zi5jb206ODA4MC94Zgo+Pgo+Pgo+ PiAtLWJiCj4+Cj4KPiBPaCwgSSd2ZSBhbHNvIHVzZWQgc29tZSBvdGhlciB0ZWFtMHhmIHN0dWZm LCBhbmQgdGhhdCB3b3JrZWQgc3BsZW5kaWRseSwgc28KPiBJJ2xsIGNoZWNrIGl0IG91dC4KPiBU aGFua3MuCgpJIHNob3VsZCBtZW50aW9uIHRoYXQgaXQncyBub3QgcXVpdGUgZG9uZSB5ZXQuICBC dXQgbWFueSBmYWlybHkgdHJpY2t5CnRoaW5ncyBkbyB3b3JrIGFscmVhZHkuICBGb3IgaW5zdGFu Y2UsIEknbSBwcmV0dHkgc3VyZSB0aGF0CmRlLXNlcmlhbGl6YXRpb24gb2Ygc3ViY2xhc3NlcyB3 YXMgd29ya2luZyBwcm9wZXJseSBsYXN0IEkgdHJpZWQgaXQuClRoYXQgaXMsIGlmIHlvdSB3cml0 ZSBvdXQgYSBEZXJpdmVkLCBhbmQgdGhlbiB0cnkgdG8gcmVhZCBiYWNrIGEgQmFzZSwKdGhlIEJh c2UgeW91IGdldCBiYWNrIHdpbGwgYWN0dWFsbHkgYmUgYSBwb2ludGVyIHRvIGEgRGVyaXZlZC4g ICBBbmQKaWYgeW91IHdyaXRlIG91dCB0aGUgc2FtZSBpbnN0YW5jZSBtdWx0aXBsZSB0aW1lcyBp dCBvbmx5IGdldHMgc2F2ZWQKb25jZSwgYW5kIGdldHMgbG9hZGVkIGJhY2sganVzdCBvbmNlIGFs c28sIGFuZCB0aGUgb3RoZXIgTi0xIGNvcGllcwphcmUganVzdCBhICBjb3B5IG9mIHRoZSBwb2lu dGVyIHRvIHRoZSBvbmUgbG9hZGVkIGluc3RhbmNlLiAgIEknbQpwcmV0dHkgc3VyZSBhbGwgdGhh dCB3YXMgd29ya2luZyBsYXN0IHRpbWUgSSB0cmllZCBpdC4gIFRoZXJlIHdhcwpzb21ldGhpbmcg aXQgY291bGRuJ3QgZG8gdGhhdCBJIHdhcyB3YW50aW5nLCBidXQgSSBkb24ndCBxdWl0ZSByZWNh bGwKbm93Li4uCgpPbiB0aGUgZG93biBzaWRlLCBpdCdzIG5vdCBleGFjdGx5IGVhc3kgY29kZSB0 byBleHRlbmQgYW5kL29yIGRlYnVnLgoKLS1iYgo=
Nov 17 2008
On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 16:55:16 +0100, nobody wrote:I would like to be able to save and load a lot of data to/from a file. (in D1) For example a struct like this: struct Fruit { int banana; double[][] orange; bool[] apple; } Practically all the examples that I've come across only deal with saving and loading text, so I'm having a hard time dealing with saving/loading arrays/floats/bools/etc. What would be a good way to do this?It depends ... do you wish to save the data as a text representation or in binary form? Text takes up more room but can be more portable to different applications. Binary is smaller and usually a lot faster. For text output, you can format it using one of the popular styles, such as XML, JSON, or CSV, or you can invent something more suitable to your specific requirements. These generally require you to convert each piece of data to a string and wrap that with 'start'/'end' markers. For binary, you need to decide if 'endian'-ness is an issue or not. If you are happy with the binary layout of the struct data in RAM and you can NOT going to be using the data in other CPU architectures, then the simplest is to just copy out the RAM bytes to disk. Of course, you have to add some 'structure' info to deal with the variable-length arrays but that can be as simple as prefixing the data with the length value. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia skype: derek.j.parnell
Nov 16 2008