digitalmars.D.learn - Re-named & Selective Imports
I combined a re-named import with a selective import and was surprised to find that it didn't do what I would have expected. In the code below, I would have expected only the "test2" line to have compiled, but it turned out that all three of these do. I'm guessing the logic is that it imports all of std.stdio, re-names it as io, then puts just std.stdio.writeln in the namespace. import io = std.stdio : writeln; void main() { writeln("test1"); io.writeln("test2"); io.write("test3", '\n'); } It seems like it might be a bit more intuitive if they had disabled selective imports with re-named imports (like with static imports). Then you could do a separate selective import. This would probably be more clear. As far as I can tell, if you do selective imports of a function with the same name from two different modules, then you have to give one a unique name without any module prefix. For instance, I tried to import with import std.stdio : writeln, io.writeln = writeln;, but that doesn't work, but something like io_writeln would.
Sep 15 2015
Well, arguably disjunctive combination doesn't make much sense here, because renamed import disambiguates it all enough, but makes it impossible to merge arbitrary namespaces ad hoc, a feature I missed several times.
Sep 16 2015