digitalmars.D.learn - Questions about initialization of array of objects
- Andrey (20/20) Jan 12 2013 I'm not sure about proper understanding of RAII idiom, but should
- Maxim Fomin (9/29) Jan 12 2013 This is initialized to null.
- Andrey (4/8) Jan 12 2013 I mean static uint setAttr(in void* p, uint a) from core.memory
- bearophile (5/7) Jan 12 2013 If that array is allocated on the heap them mabye the GC will
- Andrey (10/12) Jan 12 2013 I think GC scans stack for pointers. At least, official manual
- bearophile (8/11) Jan 12 2013 What I meant to say is that if you put the fixed sized array on
- Andrey (9/11) Jan 12 2013 :-) I'm trying to explore the possibilities of memory management
- bearophile (15/33) Jan 12 2013 I don't know the answers to those difficult questions. So I offer
- Maxim Fomin (4/10) Jan 12 2013 I see, but these names are interchangeable. uses
- bearophile (10/13) Jan 12 2013 If you call a1 static array, then what name do you give to a2? A
- Andrey (1/2) Jan 12 2013 Very static array? =)
- bearophile (7/9) Jan 12 2013 Elsewhere I have suggested a "static static", because I think
- Andrey (5/9) Jan 12 2013 I think such words as "single" and "only" are more appropriate in
- bearophile (36/41) Jan 12 2013 Right, but we generally try to minimize the number of keywords.
- Andrey (25/25) Jan 12 2013 I think this might be a problem because every template instance
- bearophile (3/11) Jan 12 2013 Sorry "static static" is the same as "@templated() static".
- Andrey (15/15) Jan 12 2013 Could be even simpler. But I do not know about additional
- Maxim Fomin (14/27) Jan 12 2013 Static static array (yes, it is rather dumb). I see no point in
I'm not sure about proper understanding of RAII idiom, but should objects in array be automatically constructed during array initialization? Example. class ClassPoint { int x,y; } struct StructPoint { int x,y; } ClassPoint[8] arr; //static array of null references; StructPoint[8] arr2; arr[0].x=1 //error, there is no object arr2[0].x=1 //OK. Here I have two questions: 1) Can you have automatically constructed objects with default class constructor? 2) Can you setup memory attributes for static array using core.memory functions, say, to force GC not to scan this portion of memory during collection?
Jan 12 2013
On Saturday, 12 January 2013 at 19:07:38 UTC, Andrey wrote:I'm not sure about proper understanding of RAII idiom, but should objects in array be automatically constructed during array initialization?Members of static arrays are initialized to their default values.Example. class ClassPoint { int x,y; }This is initialized to null.struct StructPoint { int x,y; }This is initialized to StructPoint(0,0).ClassPoint[8] arr; //static array of null references; StructPoint[8] arr2; arr[0].x=1 //error, there is no object arr2[0].x=1 //OK. Here I have two questions: 1) Can you have automatically constructed objects with default class constructor?No. It is possible to create a wrapper struct type with "alias this" to ClassPoint[8], which defaults to preallocated objects, but as a drawback each instance of such type would default to same class references and this makes the hack mostly unusable.2) Can you setup memory attributes for static array using core.memory functions, say, to force GC not to scan this portion of memory during collection?I do not understand what you mean here.
Jan 12 2013
I mean static uint setAttr(in void* p, uint a) from core.memory and enum BlkAttr.NO_SCAN; Can I use here cast(void*)arr.ptr and what effect it will cause on array of class objects?2) Can you setup memory attributes for static array using core.memory functions, say, to force GC not to scan this portion of memory during collection?I do not understand what you mean here.
Jan 12 2013
Andrey:Can I use here cast(void*)arr.ptr and what effect it will cause on array of class objects?If that array is allocated on the heap them mabye the GC will ignore those class instances. Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013
If that array is allocated on the heap them mabye the GC will ignore those class instances.I think GC scans stack for pointers. At least, official manual says this: The garbage collector looks for roots in: 1) the static data segment 2) the stacks and register contents of each thread 3) the TLS (thread-local storage) areas of each thread 4) any roots added by core.memory.GC.addRoot() or core.memory.GC.addRange() If the only pointer to an object is held outside of these areas, then the collector will miss it and free the memory.
Jan 12 2013
Andrey:I think GC scans stack for pointers.Right. And I think you can't stop the GC from scanning the stack.The garbage collector looks for roots in: ...What I meant to say is that if you put the fixed sized array on the heap then maybe you can mark it as noscan. Maybe if you tell us more generally what you are trying to do, we can answer something useful :-) Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013
Maybe if you tell us more generally what you are trying to do, we can answer something useful :-):-) I'm trying to explore the possibilities of memory management in D for fine tuning of real long time running applications. Such technique as object pools, which are more friendly to CPU cache. I know that you can use std.conv.emplace stuff, but I'm trying to stay within GC. I use unrolled linked lists, which consist of connected fixed array chunks, allocated on the GC heap. Anyway, thanks everyone for answers.
Jan 12 2013
I don't know the answers to those difficult questions. So I offer only partial tentative comments. Maxim Fomin answering Andrey:I prefer to call them fixed sized arrays, because the "static" word is too much overloaded in D.ClassPoint[8] arr; //static array of null references;If ClassPoint has just a default constructor and the original poster wants to allocate those class instances in place, then maybe it's possible to invent something like this, that creates initialized class instances, but I think it's not very useful: Emplace!(ClassPoint)[8] arr;StructPoint[8] arr2; arr[0].x=1 //error, there is no object arr2[0].x=1 //OK. Here I have two questions: 1) Can you have automatically constructed objects with default class constructor?No. It is possible to create a wrapper struct type with "alias this" to ClassPoint[8], which defaults to preallocated objects, but as a drawback each instance of such type would default to same class references and this makes the hack mostly unusable.I think currently you can't tell the GC to ignore part of the stack. Fixed sized arrays are sometimes on the stack. So maybe it's not possible. Bye, bearophile2) Can you setup memory attributes for static array using core.memory functions, say, to force GC not to scan this portion of memory during collection?I do not understand what you mean here.
Jan 12 2013
On Saturday, 12 January 2013 at 20:18:59 UTC, bearophile wrote:Maxim Fomin answering Andrey:I see, but these names are interchangeable. uses "static" (as opposed to dynamic) and tdpl tends to use fixed-size name.I prefer to call them fixed sized arrays, because the "static" word is too much overloaded in D.ClassPoint[8] arr; //static array of null references;Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013
Maxim Fomin:I see, but these names are interchangeable. uses "static" (as opposed to dynamic) and tdpl tends to use fixed-size name.If you call a1 static array, then what name do you give to a2? A static static array? void main() { int[5] a1; static int[5] a2; __gshared int[5] a3; } Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013
Andrey:Elsewhere I have suggested a "static static", because I think sometimes D static is not static enough: So with that you have Very static static arrays too :o) Bye, bearophileA static static array?Very static array? =)
Jan 12 2013
Elsewhere I have suggested a "static static", because I think sometimes D static is not static enough: So with that you have Very static static arrays too :o)I think such words as "single" and "only" are more appropriate in your case. single static function(); Or, if the developers will finally allow to take advantages of the unicode: static², static³... :-)
Jan 12 2013
Andrey:I think such words as "single" and "only" are more appropriate in your case. single static function();Right, but we generally try to minimize the number of keywords. "static static" is a special case of a more general feature, templated(), that is similar to the "utilizes" keyword discussed here, in Figure 21: "Minimizing Dependencies within Generic Classes for Faster and Smaller Programs" by Dan Tsafrir, Robert W. Wisniewski, David F. Bacon and Bjarne Stroustrup: The "static static" is the same as an empty templated(): int foo(T)() if (is(T == char) || is(T == dchar) || is(T == wchar)) { templated() dchar[] table = ['a', 'b', 'c']; templated() immutable val = someHeavyCTFE(10); // uses table and val here return 0; } Adapted from that Figure 21: struct C(X, Y, Z) { void f1() templated(X, Z) { // only allowed to use X or Z, not Y } void f2() { // for backward compatibility, this is // equivalent to: void f2() templated(X,Y,Z) } class Inner templated(Y) { // only allowed to use Y, not X nor Z } } templated() (or utilizes()) is much more flexible than "static static". And I generally I'd like templated() to be implemented instead of "static static".Or, if the developers will finally allow to take advantages of the unicode: static², static³... :-)Please, no :-) Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013
I think this might be a problem because every template instance creates separate independent class, as far as I know. Well, maybe you can use function pointer and create static constructor. More job need to be done, but the resulting class doesn't lose much and even become more flexible, configurable; final class StaticMyClass { static void _myfun() { writeln("Hello!"); } } class MyClass(T) { uint x, y; static void function() myfun; static this() { MyClass.myfun = &StaticMyClass._myfun; } //still you have additional memory consumed by static constructor function; this() { this.myfun(); } } void main() { auto obj = new MyClass!int(); }
Jan 12 2013
The "static static" is the same as an empty templated(): int foo(T)() if (is(T == char) || is(T == dchar) || is(T == wchar)) { templated() dchar[] table = ['a', 'b', 'c']; templated() immutable val = someHeavyCTFE(10); // uses table and val here return 0; }Sorry "static static" is the same as " templated() static". Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013
Could be even simpler. But I do not know about additional overhead. How do you feel on this? abstract class _MyClass { static string str = "Hello!"; static void myfun() { writeln(str); } } class MyClass(T) : _MyClass { this() { this.myfun(); } } P.S.: sorry if I don't understand your vision about this problem correctly. I've never been doing template programming much.
Jan 12 2013
On Saturday, 12 January 2013 at 21:12:06 UTC, bearophile wrote:Maxim Fomin:Static static array (yes, it is rather dumb). I see no point in selecting more appropriate name among these too if both are correct, both are heavily used in discussions (judging by google search on and subdomains - even if I query fixed array, I still receive pages with static name), both are understandable (the only little confusion happens with arrays with static attribute) and there is no language standard which uses some set of terminology. A case when popular naming is incorrect, is, for example, calling this(this) a struct copy constructor (it happens sometimes) - when it is certainly incorrect, because it is a postblit, and copy constructor is another thing. Even such strictly speaking incorrect naming is understandable and widely used.I see, but these names are interchangeable. uses "static" (as opposed to dynamic) and tdpl tends to use fixed-size name.If you call a1 static array, then what name do you give to a2? A static static array? void main() { int[5] a1; static int[5] a2; __gshared int[5] a3; } Bye, bearophile
Jan 12 2013