digitalmars.D.learn - Question about anonymous delegates.
- Sharp (8/8) Oct 03 2012 I found something what I don't understand.
- Timon Gehr (25/33) Oct 03 2012 class Num {
I found something what I don't understand. Here is a simplifed code with comments: I creating anonymous delegates, whose function is to modify their parameter. Their parameters are different class references. I pass these class references to anonymous delegates, but the delegates obtain only the last passed class reference. Thanks for your answers.
Oct 03 2012
On 10/03/2012 03:53 PM, Sharp wrote:I found something what I don't understand. Here is a simplifed code with comments: I creating anonymous delegates, whose function is to modify their parameter. Their parameters are different class references. I pass these class references to anonymous delegates, but the delegates obtain only the last passed class reference. Thanks for your answers.class Num { int a; } void main(){ auto nums = new Num[10]; alias void delegate() Func; auto funcs = new Func[10]; // workaround for ahead: for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) (){ Num num = nums[i] = new Num(); int i=i; // fix for bug in your code funcs[i] = {num.a = i;}; }(); foreach(num; nums) { assert(num.a == 0); } foreach(func; funcs) { func(); } foreach(i, num; nums) { assert(num.a == i); } }
Oct 03 2012