digitalmars.D.learn - Problems with static linking of c libraries
- Danny Arends (36/36) Jul 14 2011 Hey all,
Hey all, I'm trying to build a D application which statically links in the the blas and lapack libraries (from ). When downloading the pre-build libraries from the website I link them in using: pragma(lib, "blas"); pragma(lib, "lapack"); Compiling isn't a problem but then optlink complains: OPTLINK (R) for Win32 Release 8.00.12 Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010 All rights reserved. blas.lib Error 43: Not a Valid Library File First I thought this was due to the fact that I was running on windows 2008 (32 bit version) but I also tried on windows XP professional, with the same result... I decided to build the libraries myself using Cmake and VisualStudio 2010, this however also has the same result: OPTLINK (R) for Win32 Release 8.00.12 Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010 All rights reserved. blas.lib Error 43: Not a Valid Library File I am able to build the packages using the MinGW toolchain (using GNU C/CPP) however I then end up with libblas.a and liblapack.a files, which causes the linker to not find the libraries (under windows it searches for the .lib extension). renaming them leads again to the msg seen above (Not a Valid Library) Any help on how to statically link these 2 packages in my executable using windows ? Kid regards, Danny Ps. I need to avoid the use of dynamic linking
Jul 14 2011