digitalmars.D.learn - Problem about Tuple.opEquals, const qualifier
- Tongzhou Li (10/10) Mar 17 2012 I'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D:
- =?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= (4/14) Mar 17 2012 There are still many const-correctness issues with Phobos. You hit this ...
- Tongzhou Li (2/18) Mar 17 2012 OK. I hope it can be fixed soon.
- bearophile (6/8) Mar 17 2012 I have translated a small part of your C++ program:
- =?utf-8?Q?Simen_Kj=C3=A6r=C3=A5s?= (12/22) Mar 17 2012 As others have pointed out, there are const-correctness bugs.
- Tongzhou Li (3/25) Mar 17 2012 Seems good! I'll have a try.
- Tongzhou Li (18/27) Mar 17 2012 Another problem. I wrote:
- =?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= (22/50) Mar 17 2012 Every template instantiation of a set of template parameters becomes a
- Tongzhou Li (17/31) Mar 18 2012 It seems long and ugly...
Mar 18 2012
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 08:34:19 +0100, Tongzhou Li
- bearophile (11/15) Mar 18 2012 I have already shown here how to solve that problem:
Steven Schveighoffer
Mar 19 2012
On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 19:05:24 -0400, Simen Kj=C3=A6r=C3=A5s
I'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D: I wrote: auto stack = SList!(Tuple!(double, char))(); But I got an error Error: function std.typecons.Tuple!(double,char).Tuple.opEquals!(const(Tuple!(dou le,char))).opEquals (const(Tuple!(double,char)) rhs) is not callable using argument types (const(Tuple!(double,char))) const Does the function Tuple.opEquals miss a const qualifier? Sorry for my bad English:)
Mar 17 2012
On 03/17/2012 09:27 AM, Tongzhou Li wrote:I'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D: I wrote: auto stack = SList!(Tuple!(double, char))(); But I got an error Error: function std.typecons.Tuple!(double,char).Tuple.opEquals!(const(Tuple!(double,char))).opEquals (const(Tuple!(double,char)) rhs) is not callable using argument types (const(Tuple!(double,char))) const Does the function Tuple.opEquals miss a const qualifier? Sorry for my bad English:)There are still many const-correctness issues with Phobos. You hit this bug: Ali
Mar 17 2012
On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 19:49:24 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:On 03/17/2012 09:27 AM, Tongzhou Li wrote:OK. I hope it can be fixed soon.I'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D: I wrote: auto stack = SList!(Tuple!(double, char))(); But I got an error Error: function std.typecons.Tuple!(double,char).Tuple.opEquals!(const(Tuple!(double,char))).opEquals (const(Tuple!(double,char)) rhs) is not callable using argument types (const(Tuple!(double,char))) const Does the function Tuple.opEquals miss a const qualifier? Sorry for my bad English:)There are still many const-correctness issues with Phobos. You hit this bug: Ali
Mar 17 2012
Tongzhou Li:I have translated a small part of your C++ program: There is no good stack collection in Phobos yet (possibly decks-based). Bye, bearophileI'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D:
Mar 17 2012
On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 17:27:21 +0100, Tongzhou Li <zhangsongcui> wrote:I'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D: I wrote: auto stack = SList!(Tuple!(double, char))(); But I got an error Error: function std.typecons.Tuple!(double,char).Tuple.opEquals!(const(Tuple!(dou le,char))).opEquals (const(Tuple!(double,char)) rhs) is not callable using argument types (const(Tuple!(double,char))) const Does the function Tuple.opEquals miss a const qualifier? Sorry for my bad English:)As others have pointed out, there are const-correctness bugs. As for a workaround, have you considered using a simple array instead of a linked list? Arrays in D, especially when combined with std.array, make for easy-to-use (though perhaps not particularly efficient) stacks: int[] stack; stack ~= 3; // Push stack = stack[0..$-1]; // Pop stack.popBack(); // Pop with std.array
Mar 17 2012
On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 23:05:30 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 17:27:21 +0100, Tongzhou Li <zhangsongcui> wrote:Seems good! I'll have a try. ThanksI'm learning D, and trying to convert My C++ code into D: I wrote: auto stack = SList!(Tuple!(double, char))(); But I got an error Error: function std.typecons.Tuple!(double,char).Tuple.opEquals!(const(Tuple!(dou le,char))).opEquals (const(Tuple!(double,char)) rhs) is not callable using argument types (const(Tuple!(double,char))) const Does the function Tuple.opEquals miss a const qualifier? Sorry for my bad English:)As others have pointed out, there are const-correctness bugs. As for a workaround, have you considered using a simple array instead of a linked list? Arrays in D, especially when combined with std.array, make for easy-to-use (though perhaps not particularly efficient) stacks: int[] stack; stack ~= 3; // Push stack = stack[0..$-1]; // Pop stack.popBack(); // Pop with std.array
Mar 17 2012
On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 23:05:30 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:As for a workaround, have you considered using a simple array instead of a linked list? Arrays in D, especially when combined with std.array, make for easy-to-use (though perhaps not particularly efficient) stacks: int[] stack; stack ~= 3; // Push stack = stack[0..$-1]; // Pop stack.popBack(); // Pop with std.arrayAnother problem. I wrote: Tuple!(double, char)[] stack; stack ~= tuple(10, '+'); It won't compile: Error: cannot append type Tuple!(int,char) to type Tuple!(double,char)[] I also tried: Tuple!(double, "Num", char, "Oper")[] stack; stack ~= tuple(10.0, '+'); I also got an error: Error: cannot append type Tuple!(double,char) to type Tuple!(double,"Num",char,"Oper")[] But I tried: Tuple!(double, "Num", char, "Oper") t; t = tuple(10, 'a'); It does compile. I don't understand why...
Mar 17 2012
On 03/17/2012 09:02 PM, Tongzhou Li wrote:On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 23:05:30 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:Every template instantiation of a set of template parameters becomes a distinct type than any other set of template parameters. In other words, Tuple!(double, char) and Tuple!(int, char) are distinct types. For all the compiler knows, Tuple is a user type and only the user should define whether they are compatible. Tuple does not define opCast() to covert from Tuple!(int,char) to Tuple!(double,char). I guess it could have been defined. (?) A solution is to explicitly perform the conversion: import std.conv; // ... stack ~= to!(Tuple!(double, char))(tuple(10, '+')); (An alias would make that easier to read. :/).As for a workaround, have you considered using a simple array instead of a linked list? Arrays in D, especially when combined with std.array, make for easy-to-use (though perhaps not particularly efficient) stacks: int[] stack; stack ~= 3; // Push stack = stack[0..$-1]; // Pop stack.popBack(); // Pop with std.arrayAnother problem. I wrote: Tuple!(double, char)[] stack; stack ~= tuple(10, '+'); It won't compile: Error: cannot append type Tuple!(int,char) to type Tuple!(double,char)[]I also tried: Tuple!(double, "Num", char, "Oper")[] stack; stack ~= tuple(10.0, '+'); I also got an error: Error: cannot append type Tuple!(double,char) to type Tuple!(double,"Num",char,"Oper")[]That's the same reason as above.But I tried: Tuple!(double, "Num", char, "Oper") t; t = tuple(10, 'a'); It does compile. I don't understand why...That's different because this time there is no slice involved. The assignment is done on t itself. Tuple defines opAssign() that effectively performs the following operations (calling the right-hand side object 'temp'): t[0] = temp[0]; t[1] = temp[1]; And that succeeds because int can implicitly be converted to double. Ali
Mar 17 2012
On Sunday, 18 March 2012 at 06:15:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:Every template instantiation of a set of template parameters becomes a distinct type than any other set of template parameters. In other words, Tuple!(double, char) and Tuple!(int, char) are distinct types. For all the compiler knows, Tuple is a user type and only the user should define whether they are compatible. Tuple does not define opCast() to covert from Tuple!(int,char) to Tuple!(double,char). I guess it could have been defined. (?) A solution is to explicitly perform the conversion: import std.conv; // ... stack ~= to!(Tuple!(double, char))(tuple(10, '+')); (An alias would make that easier to read. :/).It seems long and ugly... I also write: Tuple!(uint, double delegate(double, double))[char] Operators; Operators['+'] = tuple(1u, (x, y) => x + y); It doesn't work. I have to write: Operators['+'] = tuple(1u, cast(double delegate(double, double))(x, y) => x + y); Much longer :/ Someone tell me that this is called SFINAE problem in C++ I tried this C++ code: stack<pair<double, char> > s; s.push(make_pair(10, '+')); It compiles fine with g++. Any chance to see this being solved in D? ;)
Mar 18 2012
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 08:34:19 +0100, Tongzhou Li <zhangsongcui m> = wrote:On Sunday, 18 March 2012 at 06:15:16 UTC, Ali =C3=87ehreli wrote:a =Every template instantiation of a set of template parameters becomes =ct =distinct type than any other set of template parameters. In other words, Tuple!(double, char) and Tuple!(int, char) are distin==types. For all the compiler knows, Tuple is a user type and only the ==user should define whether they are compatible. Tuple does not define=opCast() to covert from Tuple!(int,char) to Tuple!(double,char). I =)(x, =guess it could have been defined. (?) A solution is to explicitly perform the conversion: import std.conv; // ... stack ~=3D to!(Tuple!(double, char))(tuple(10, '+')); (An alias would make that easier to read. :/).It seems long and ugly... I also write: Tuple!(uint, double delegate(double, double))[char] Operators; Operators['+'] =3D tuple(1u, (x, y) =3D> x + y); It doesn't work. I have to write: Operators['+'] =3D tuple(1u, cast(double delegate(double, double)=y) =3D> x + y); Much longer :/ Someone tell me that this is called SFINAE problem in C++ I tried this C++ code: stack<pair<double, char> > s; s.push(make_pair(10, '+')); It compiles fine with g++. Any chance to see this being solved in D? ;)Try this one for size: import std.traits : isImplicitlyConvertible, isSomeChar, isAssignable; import std.conv : to; void push( T, U )( ref T[] arr, U element ) if = (isImplicitlyConvertible!(U, T) || (isSomeChar!T && isSomeChar!U) || isAssignable!(T, U) ) { arr ~=3D to!T( element ); } Works for me with this code: Tuple!(double, char)[] arr; arr.push(tuple(10, 'a'));
Mar 18 2012
Tongzhou Li:Another problem. I wrote: Tuple!(double, char)[] stack; stack ~= tuple(10, '+'); It won't compile:I have already shown here how to solve that problem: import std.typecons; void main() { alias Tuple!(double, char) Pair2; Pair2[] stack; stack ~= Pair2(10, '+'); } Bye, bearophile
Mar 18 2012
On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 19:05:24 -0400, Simen Kj=C3=A6r=C3=A5s <simen.kjaras=> = wrote:As for a workaround, have you considered using a simple array instead =of =a linked list? Arrays in D, especially when combined with std.array, make for =easy-to-use (though perhaps not particularly efficient) stacks: int[] stack; stack ~=3D 3; // Push stack =3D stack[0..$-1]; // Pop stack.popBack(); // Pop with std.arraystack.assumeSafeAppend(); You need that line, or the next append will reallocate the entire array.= -Steve
Mar 19 2012