digitalmars.D.learn - Pipeline issue
Could I ask some questions on the pipeline, the following code always stops at the second cmds, cmds[1]. I tested the command under shell and found it can quickly end and get output.bam ``` import std.process; import std.stdio; import std.conv; void executeCommandPipe(string[][] cmds) { // pipe init auto temp_pipe = pipe(); // save cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 ... // process first auto pid_first = spawnProcess(cmds[0], stdin, temp_pipe.writeEnd); scope(exit) wait(pid_first); // process cmd2 ~ cmdN-1 for (int i = 1; i < cmds.length - 1; i++) { auto new_pipe = pipe(); // create next pipe auto pid = spawnProcess(cmds[i], temp_pipe.readEnd, new_pipe.writeEnd); scope(exit) wait(pid); temp_pipe = new_pipe; // update the pipe } // process final, output to stdout auto pid_final = spawnProcess(cmds[$-1], temp_pipe.readEnd, stdout); scope(exit) wait(pid_final); } void main() { string[][]cmds=[["samtools", "fixmate", "- ", "8", "-m", "-u", "input.bam", "-"], ["samtools", "sort", "- ", "8", "-u", "-",], ["samtools", "markdup", "- ", "8", "-u", "-", "output.bam"]]; executeCommandPipe(cmds); } ``` corresponding Linux command is ``` samtools fixmate - 8 -m -u input.bam - | samtools sort - 8 -u - | samtools markdup -u - output.bam ```
Sep 07 2024
Thanks go to Paul Backus, nside the foreach loop, this will cause your code to wait at the end of the current loop iteration, not at the end of the function.
Sep 07 2024