digitalmars.D.learn - Perfect: using foreach with more...
- Salih Dincer (55/55) Sep 27 2024 😁
😁 Try the 2nd usage, D is a very flexible language; moves towards perfection! ```d struct Sarma { int i; // mixin DownRange; } struct Foo(T) { int[] array; // 1. USAGE auto opApply(scope int delegate(T) dg) { foreach (ref e; array) { auto result = dg(T(e)); } return 0; } auto opApply(scope // 2. USAGE int delegate(size_t, int, ref int) dg) { int count; foreach (i, ref e; array) { e *= 15; ++count; auto result = dg(i, count, e); } return 0; } } import std.stdio; void main() { auto foo = Foo!Sarma( [2, 4, 6] ); foreach (Sarma e; foo) { e.write(" "); } writeln; foreach (i, s, ref e; foo) { s.writef!"counter = %s, "; i.writeln(": ", e++); } foo.array.writeln; } template DownRange() { bool empty() { return i <= 0; } auto front() { return i; } void popFront() { --i; } } ``` It may be explained in specific documentation (on 12.11.11). SDB 79
Sep 27 2024