digitalmars.D.learn - Nested classes question?
- Dave Akers (8/8) Sep 15 2015 When a program exits and D's memory management is cleaning up
- Adam D. Ruppe (8/11) Sep 15 2015 All class destructors are called in an undefined order. The
When a program exits and D's memory management is cleaning up calling all of the ~this's is there a reason it calls the outer class's ~this before the inner class's ~this? I was recently exploring the possibility of using and the example in the readme seg faulted, when digging into it i found out that the outer class was being destroyed before the inner causing the database to be closed before an iterator for the database was destroyed.
Sep 15 2015
On Wednesday, 16 September 2015 at 01:12:58 UTC, Dave Akers wrote:When a program exits and D's memory management is cleaning up calling all of the ~this's is there a reason it calls the outer class's ~this before the inner class's ~this?All class destructors are called in an undefined order. The garbage collector considers the whole object tree to be dead at once and just cleans it up in the most convenient order for it. This means you should not access any member pointers or references to things that are managed by the garbage collector in a destructor. Manage subobjects manually if you want to destroy them in ~this.
Sep 15 2015