digitalmars.D.learn - My programs issues
- pascal111 (47/47) Aug 10 2022 In next program
- Adam D Ruppe (3/7) Aug 10 2022 Don't listen to people who are wrong.
- pascal111 (41/48) Aug 10 2022 So, the program will be like this:
- Andrey Zherikov (53/54) Aug 10 2022 Is this clearer?
- pascal111 (3/57) Aug 10 2022 This version has modern features, it's 1) functional 2) goto-less.
- Andrey Zherikov (2/4) Aug 10 2022 There is nothing modern ;-D
- pascal111 (273/277) Aug 10 2022 Take a look in this linear programming and you will know what's
- pascal111 (31/31) Aug 11 2022 Next code receiving an input from the user and reprint it in
- Antonio (3/10) Aug 12 2022 "goto" is a bad "structured programming" feature, but not a bad
- pascal111 (2/16) Aug 12 2022 "structured programming" solved that with "while-like" loops.
- rikki cattermole (10/12) Aug 10 2022 This is mostly a historical debate at this point.
- pascal111 (6/20) Aug 10 2022 I remember the famous problem at old days called "spaghetti
In next program 1) I used "exit()" from "core.stdc.stdlib;" module, but someone can say this isn't the D way to exit the program. 2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature. '''D module proj07; import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.range; import core.stdc.stdlib; int main() { double x, y; int choice; new_again: x=0; y=0; write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); y=x; writeln; choice_again: writeln("1) addition 2) subtraction 3) multiplication 4) division 0) exit -1) new"); ": ".write; readf(" %s\n", &choice); if(!only(1,2,3,4,0,-1).canFind(choice)) goto choice_again; else if(choice==0) exit(0); else if(choice==-1) goto new_again; write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); switch(choice){ case 1: y+=x; break; case 2: y-=x; break; case 3: y*=x; break; case 4: y/=x; break; default: break;} y.writeln; goto choice_again; return 0; } '''
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 12:36:42 UTC, pascal111 wrote:1) I used "exit()" from "core.stdc.stdlib;" module, but someone can say this isn't the D way to exit the program.It is better to simply return a value from main instead.2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature.Don't listen to people who are wrong.
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 13:13:20 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 12:36:42 UTC, pascal111 wrote:So, the program will be like this: '''D module proj07; import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.range; int main() { double x, y; int choice; new_again: x=0; y=0; write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); y=x; writeln; choice_again: writeln("1) addition 2) subtraction 3) multiplication 4) division 0) exit -1) new"); ": ".write; readf(" %s\n", &choice); if(!only(1,2,3,4,0,-1).canFind(choice)) goto choice_again; else if(choice==0) return 0; else if(choice==-1) goto new_again; write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); switch(choice){ case 1: y+=x; break; case 2: y-=x; break; case 3: y*=x; break; case 4: y/=x; break; default: break;} y.writeln; goto choice_again; } '''1) I used "exit()" from "core.stdc.stdlib;" module, but someone can say this isn't the D way to exit the program.It is better to simply return a value from main instead.2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature.Don't listen to people who are wrong.
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 13:34:53 UTC, pascal111 wrote:So, the program will be like this:Is this clearer? ```d import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.range; double getNumber() { double x; write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); writeln; return x; } int getChoice() { while(true) { writeln("1) addition 2) subtraction 3) multiplication 4) division 0) exit -1) new"); ": ".write; int choice; readf(" %s\n", &choice); if(only(1,2,3,4,0,-1).canFind(choice)) return choice; } } int main() { double x, y; y = getNumber(); while(true) { int choice = getChoice(); if(choice==0) return 0; else if(choice==-1) y = getNumber(); else { write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); switch(choice){ case 1: y+=x; break; case 2: y-=x; break; case 3: y*=x; break; case 4: y/=x; break; default: break;} y.writeln; } } } ```
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 14:03:53 UTC, Andrey Zherikov wrote:On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 13:34:53 UTC, pascal111 wrote:This version has modern features, it's 1) functional 2) goto-less.So, the program will be like this:Is this clearer? ```d import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.range; double getNumber() { double x; write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); writeln; return x; } int getChoice() { while(true) { writeln("1) addition 2) subtraction 3) multiplication 4) division 0) exit -1) new"); ": ".write; int choice; readf(" %s\n", &choice); if(only(1,2,3,4,0,-1).canFind(choice)) return choice; } } int main() { double x, y; y = getNumber(); while(true) { int choice = getChoice(); if(choice==0) return 0; else if(choice==-1) y = getNumber(); else { write("Enter a number: "); readf(" %s\n", &x); switch(choice){ case 1: y+=x; break; case 2: y-=x; break; case 3: y*=x; break; case 4: y/=x; break; default: break;} y.writeln; } } } ```
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 14:08:59 UTC, pascal111 wrote:This version has modern features, it's 1) functional 2) goto-less.There is nothing modern ;-D
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 14:45:05 UTC, Andrey Zherikov wrote:On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 14:08:59 UTC, pascal111 wrote:Take a look in this linear programming and you will know what's the modern: '''BASIC 10 ' ---------------------------------------------- 20 ' ACEY DUECEY 30 ' ---------------------------------------------- 40 ' 50 ' Program by G C Lindridge 27/12/90 60 ' 70 CLEAR : KEY OFF : CLS : SCREEN 0 : WIDTH 80 80 DEFINT A-Z 90 GOSUB 220 'INPUT SCREEN 100 GOSUB 510 'CREATE PACK 110 GOSUB 750 'SHUFFLE CARDS 120 SCREEN 1 'LARGE DISPLAY 130 TD = 1500 'TIME DELAY 140 GOSUB 930 'PLAY THE GAME 150 WIDTH 80 : SCREEN 0 160 PRINT "END ACEY DUECEY" 170 PRINT : PRINT "Do you want to play again? Y/N" : PRINT 180 CH$ = INKEY$ : IF CH$ = "" THEN 180 190 IF CH$ = "Y" THEN 70 ELSE SYSTEM 200 END 210 ' ---------------------------------------------- 220 ' INPUT SCREEN 230 ' ---------------------------------------------- 240 PRINT TAB(33);"ACEY DUECEY" 250 PRINT TAB(33);"-----------" 260 PRINT : PRINT 270 PRINT TAB(24);"You and the computer play the game." 280 PRINT TAB(24);"You both start with 1000 units." 290 PRINT TAB(24);"Bets are from 1 to 200 units." 300 PRINT 310 PRINT TAB(24);"Can you send the computer broke?" 320 PRINT : PRINT 330 PRINT TAB(24);"[ 1 ] To see the User Guide" 340 PRINT TAB(24);"[ 2 ] Play Acey Duecey" 350 CH$ = INKEY$ : IF CH$ = "" THEN 350 360 IF CH$ = "1" THEN GOSUB 2150 370 MIN = 1 380 LIMIT = 200 390 HUMANBANK = 900 400 COMPBANK = 900 410 KITTY = 200 420 RETURN 430 ' ---------------------------------------------- 440 ' PRESS ANY KEY 450 ' ---------------------------------------------- 460 LOCATE 25,1 : PRINT ,,,"Press any key to continue"; 470 WHILE INKEY$ = "" : WEND 480 CLS 490 RETURN 500 ' ---------------------------------------------- 510 ' CREATE PACK 520 ' ---------------------------------------------- 530 DIM CARD(52) 540 'GIVE GAME VALUES TO CARDS 550 FOR J = 0 TO 3 560 FOR K = 1 TO 13 570 CARD(J*13+K) = K+1 580 NEXT K 590 NEXT J 600 RETURN 610 ' ---------------------------------------------- 620 ' SHOW CARDS 630 ' ---------------------------------------------- 640 LOCATE 1,1 650 FOR K = 52 TO 1 STEP-1 670 IF CARD(K) = 11 THEN PRINT " J"; 680 IF CARD(K) = 12 THEN PRINT " Q"; 690 IF CARD(K) = 13 THEN PRINT " K"; 700 IF CARD(K) = 14 THEN PRINT " A"; 710 NEXT K 720 PRINT : PRINT 730 RETURN 'END DISPLAY 740 ' ---------------------------------------------- 750 LOCATE 24,1 : PRINT "[SHUFFLE] "; 760 ' ---------------------------------------------- 770 RANDOMIZE TIMER 780 FOR K = 52 TO 2 STEP -1 790 X = INT(RND(1)*K)+1 800 SWAP CARD(K),CARD(X) 810 NEXT K 820 SHOE = 52 'PUT CARDS IN SHOE 830 RETURN 840 ' ---------------------------------------------- 850 ' TIME DELAY 860 ' ---------------------------------------------- 870 FOR K = 1 TO TD 880 FOR L = 1 TO TD 890 NEXT L 900 NEXT K 910 RETURN 920 ' ---------------------------------------------- 930 ' PLAY THE GAME 940 ' ---------------------------------------------- 950 WHILE (BET$ <> "Q") AND (HUMANBANK > MIN) AND (COMPBANK > MIN) 'CONTINUE 960 P = 0 : BET$ = "" 'INITIALISE 970 PLHAND = 0 980 FOR K = 1 TO 3 990 PLCARD(K) = 0 1000 NEXT K 1010 BADCARDS = 0 1020 IF BET$ = "Q" THEN 1100 'QUIT THE GAME 1030 IF (SHOE < 5) THEN GOSUB 750 'RESHUFFLE POINT 1040 GOSUB 850 'TIME DELAY 1050 CLS 1060 GOSUB 1180 'HUMAN PLAYER 1070 IF (SHOE < 5) THEN GOSUB 750 'RESHUFFLE POINT 1080 GOSUB 1540 'COMPUTER PLAYER 1090 WEND 1100 RETURN 'END DEALING 1110 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1120 ' DEAL A CARD 1130 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1140 CARD = CARD(SHOE) 'THE TOP CARD 1150 SHOE = SHOE - 1 'REMOVE CARD FROM PACK 1160 RETURN 'DEAL CARD 1170 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1180 ' HUMAN PLAYER 1190 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1200 LOCATE 24, 1 : PRINT "HUMAN BANK";HUMANBANK; 1210 LOCATE 24,21 : PRINT "COMPUTER BANK";COMPBANK; 1220 GOSUB 1910 1230 HUMANBET = 0 1240 GOSUB 1120 'DEAL A CARD 1250 PLCARD(1) = CARD 1260 GOSUB 1120 'DEAL A CARD 1270 PLCARD(2) = CARD 1280 IF PLCARD(1) < PLCARD(2) THEN SWAP PLCARD(1),PLCARD(2) 'CARD(1) IS HIGH 1290 P = 1 1300 R = 80 : C = P*32 - 32 : GOSUB 2000 'SHOW CARD IN BOX 1310 P = 2 1320 R = 80 : C = P*32 : GOSUB 2000 'SHOW CARD IN BOX 1330 IF PLCARD(2)+1 >= PLCARD(1) THEN 1500 'NO SPACE BETWEEN CARDS 1340 LOCATE 25, 1 : INPUT;"MAKE A BET ",BET$ 1350 IF BET$ = "Q" THEN 1520 'QUIT THE GAME 1360 HUMANBET = INT(ABS(VAL(BET$))) 'BET UNITS 1370 IF HUMANBET = 0 THEN 1500 'REJECT HAND 1380 IF HUMANBET > KITTY THEN LET HUMANBET = KITTY 'LIMIT BET 1390 IF HUMANBET > LIMIT THEN LET HUMANBET = LIMIT 'MAXIMUM BET 1400 IF HUMANBET > HUMANBANK THEN LET HUMANBET = HUMANBANK 'BET THE LOT 1410 GOSUB 1120 'DEAL A CARD 1420 P = 3 1430 PLCARD(P) = CARD 1440 R = 16 : C = P*32 - 64 : GOSUB 2000 'SHOW CARD IN BOX 1450 HUMANBANK = HUMANBANK-HUMANBET 1460 KITTY = KITTY + HUMANBET 1470 IF (PLCARD(3)>= PLCARD(1)) OR (PLCARD(3) < = PLCARD(2)) THEN 1500 1480 HUMANBANK = HUMANBANK+2*HUMANBET 1490 KITTY = KITTY - 2*HUMANBET 1500 FOR K = 1 TO 1000 : NEXT K 1510 GOSUB 1910 'KITTY 1520 RETURN 1530 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1540 ' COMPUTER PLAYER 1550 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1560 LOCATE 24,21 : PRINT "COMPUTER BANK";COMPBANK; 1570 COMPBET = 0 1580 GOSUB 1120 'DEAL A CARD 1590 PLCARD(1) = CARD 1600 GOSUB 1120 'DEAL A CARD 1610 PLCARD(2) = CARD 1620 IF PLCARD(1) < PLCARD(2) THEN SWAP PLCARD(1),PLCARD(2) 'CARD(1) IS HIGH 1630 P = 1 1640 R = 80 : C = P*32 + 160 : GOSUB 2000 'SHOW CARD IN BOX 1650 P = 2 1660 R = 80 : C = P*32 + 192 : GOSUB 2000 'SHOW CARD IN BOX 1670 IF PLCARD(2)+1 >= PLCARD(1) THEN 1870 'NO SPACE BETWEEN CARDS 1680 FOR K = 1 TO SHOE 1690 IF CARD(K) >= PLCARD(1) OR CARD(K) <= PLCARD(2)THEN LET BADCARDS = BADCARDS+1 1700 IF BADCARDS >= SHOE/2 THEN LET K = SHOE 1710 NEXT K 1720 COMPBET = INT((SHOE-2*BADCARDS)/SHOE*COMPBANK) 'ADVANTAGE BET 1730 IF COMPBET < 1 THEN LET COMPBET = 0 : GOTO 1870 1740 IF COMPBET > KITTY THEN LET COMPBET = KITTY 'LIMIT BET 1750 IF COMPBET > LIMIT THEN LET COMPBET = LIMIT 'MAXIMUM BET 1760 IF COMPBET > COMPBANK THEN LET COMPBET = COMPBANK 'BET THE LOT 1770 LOCATE 25,21 : PRINT "COMPUTER BET";COMPBET; 1780 GOSUB 1120 'DEAL A CARD 1790 P = 3 1800 PLCARD(P) = CARD 1810 R = 16 : C = P*32 + 128 : GOSUB 2000 'SHOW CARD IN BOX 1820 COMPBANK = COMPBANK-COMPBET 1830 KITTY = KITTY + COMPBET 1840 IF (PLCARD(3)>= PLCARD(1)) OR (PLCARD(3) < = PLCARD(2)) THEN 1870 1850 COMPBANK = COMPBANK+ 2*COMPBET 1860 KITTY = KITTY - 2*COMPBET 1870 FOR K = 1 TO 2000 : NEXT K 1880 GOSUB 1910 'KITTY 1890 RETURN 1900 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1910 ' KITTY 1920 ' ---------------------------------------------- 1930 IF KITTY <> 0 THEN 1970 1940 HUMANBANK = HUMANBANK-100 1950 COMPBANK = COMPBANK-100 1960 KITTY = 200 1970 LOCATE 25,21 : PRINT " KITTY";KITTY; 1980 RETURN 1990 ' ---------------------------------------------- 2000 ' PICTURE PLAYERS' CARDS 2010 ' ---------------------------------------------- 2020 PICTURE = PLCARD(P) 2030 LINE (C+4,R+4)-(C+30,R+44),,B 'DRAW CARD BORDER 2040 IF PICTURE = 10 THEN LET PIP$ = "1O" 2050 IF PICTURE = 11 THEN LET PIP$ = "J " 2060 IF PICTURE = 12 THEN LET PIP$ = "Q " 2070 IF PICTURE = 13 THEN LET PIP$ = "K " 2080 IF PICTURE = 14 THEN LET PIP$ = "A " 2090 IF PICTURE < 10 THEN LET PIP$ = RIGHT$(STR$(PICTURE),1)+" " 2100 LOCATE R/8+2,C/8+2 : PRINT PIP$; 'DRAW PIPS 2110 SUIT$ = CHR$(INT (RND(1)*4)+3) 'CARD SUIT 2120 LOCATE R/8+4,C/8+3 : PRINT SUIT$; 'DRAW SUIT 2130 RETURN 2140 ' ---------------------------------------------- 2150 CLS : PRINT ,," ACEY DUECEY" : PRINT 2160 ' ---------------------------------------------- 2170 PRINT ,"This is a gambling card game. A player is dealt a" 2180 PRINT ,"two card hand face up. The player now has the choice" 2190 PRINT ,"of folding the hand or betting on the hand." 2200 PRINT ,"If he folds, the next player is dealt a hand." 2210 PRINT ,"If he bets, he is dealt a third card." 2220 PRINT ,"If this card is between the other two cards he wins." 2230 PRINT ,"If this card is equal to either card or is more than" 2240 PRINT ,"the big card or less than the small card he loses." 2250 PRINT ,"Cards are as normal with Ace a high card. No suits." 2260 PRINT 2270 PRINT ,"TO FOLD: Bet 0. Alternatively press [Return] key." 2280 PRINT ,"TO QUIT: Enter Q as a bet." 2290 PRINT 2300 PRINT ,"BETTING: All bets are in units of 1." 2310 PRINT ,"Each player contributes 100 units to a kitty." 2320 PRINT ,"Bet Limits: Minimum 1 unit. Maximum 200 units." 2330 PRINT ,"A bet is unable to exceed what remains in the kitty." 2340 PRINT ,"A player bets to win 'EVENS'. Winnings are taken" 2350 PRINT ,"from the kitty, losing bets are added to the kitty." 2360 PRINT 2370 PRINT ,"When the kitty is empty, the players again contribute" 2380 PRINT ,"100 units each."; 2390 GOSUB 440 'PRESS ANY KEY 2400 RETURN '''This version has modern features, it's 1) functional 2) goto-less.There is nothing modern ;-D
Aug 10 2022
Next code receiving an input from the user and reprint it in capital letters with a separator between each letter, but I think that there is more to add or to modify the way this program working with: '''D module main; import std.stdio; import std.uni; import std.string; import std.algorithm; import std.ascii; import dcollect; import std.range; int main(string[] args) { string user_word, sep_symbol; again: write("Enter a word (\"none\" = exit): "); user_word=strip(readln()); if(user_word=="none") return 0; write("Enter a seperator: "); sep_symbol=strip(readln()); writeln; user_word.strtoupper.filter!(a=>!isNonCharacter(a)). map!only.joiner(sep_symbol).writeln; goto again; } '''
Aug 11 2022
This is a program for duplicating files, I made some changes on it, and liked to share it may that I get a new advice on it: '''D module main; // D programming language import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.algorithm; import dcollect; int main(string[] args) { string s; //char[] f; string f1, f2, f3; for(size_t i=0; args[1].strmid(i, 1)!="."; i++) f1~=args[1].strmid(i, 1); for(size_t i=args[1].length-1; args[1].strmid(i, 1)!="."; i--) f2~=args[1].strmid(i, 1); f3=f1~" (DUPLICATED)."~f2.strreverse; try{ /*write("Enter file name and path: "); readln(f); f=strip(f);*/ File inputFile = File(args[1], "r"); File outputFile = File(f3, "w"); enum bufferSize = 8194; inputFile.byChunk(bufferSize) // read input in blocks of 8194 bytes .copy(outputFile.lockingBinaryWriter); // copy each block into output file inputFile.close(); outputFile.close(); } catch(Exception err){ stderr.writefln!"Warning! %s"(err.msg); return 1; } return 0; } '''
Aug 11 2022
On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 20:30:54 UTC, pascal111 wrote: letters :D Please use ` (ASCII: 0x60) instead of ' (0x27) for the markdown format header, eg.: ```D ...``` otherwise it won't be recognized here.
Aug 12 2022
On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 16:06:09 UTC, frame wrote:On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 20:30:54 UTC, pascal111 wrote:I don't see "`" in the keyboard! letters :D Please use ` (ASCII: 0x60) instead of ' (0x27) for the markdown format header, eg.: ```D ...``` otherwise it won't be recognized here.
Aug 12 2022
On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 18:43:14 UTC, pascal111 wrote:On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 16:06:09 UTC, frame wrote:No doubt about that :D However, you can create the letter with your compose key (depends on your linux distribution, eg. [Shift] + [AltGr] but you may need to enable it first, see for example Maybe just pressing [Alt] and 9,6 on the NUM pad works too.On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 20:30:54 UTC, pascal111 wrote:I don't see "`" in the keyboard! letters :D Please use ` (ASCII: 0x60) instead of ' (0x27) for the markdown format header, eg.: ```D ...``` otherwise it won't be recognized here.
Aug 12 2022
On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 19:18:38 UTC, frame wrote:On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 18:43:14 UTC, pascal111 wrote:I tried under Windows using alt+9 or 6 but with no hoped result, they printed another characters.On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 16:06:09 UTC, frame wrote:No doubt about that :D However, you can create the letter with your compose key (depends on your linux distribution, eg. [Shift] + [AltGr] but you may need to enable it first, see for example Maybe just pressing [Alt] and 9,6 on the NUM pad works too.On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 20:30:54 UTC, pascal111 wrote:I don't see "`" in the keyboard! letters :D Please use ` (ASCII: 0x60) instead of ' (0x27) for the markdown format header, eg.: ```D ...``` otherwise it won't be recognized here.
Aug 12 2022
On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 20:16:26 UTC, pascal111 wrote:I tried under Windows using alt+9 or 6 but with no hoped result, they printed another characters.Maybe this wasn't clear. I meant keep pressing [Alt] and then [9], [6] (in turn) and then release [Alt]. It should print the character (96 = 0x60)
Aug 12 2022
On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 19:18:38 UTC, frame wrote:On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 18:43:14 UTC, pascal111 wrote:Maybe it'll be useful when I work on my Linux laptop, but the problem is still in Windows.On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 16:06:09 UTC, frame wrote:No doubt about that :D However, you can create the letter with your compose key (depends on your linux distribution, eg. [Shift] + [AltGr] but you may need to enable it first, see for example Maybe just pressing [Alt] and 9,6 on the NUM pad works too.On Thursday, 11 August 2022 at 20:30:54 UTC, pascal111 wrote:I don't see "`" in the keyboard! letters :D Please use ` (ASCII: 0x60) instead of ' (0x27) for the markdown format header, eg.: ```D ...``` otherwise it won't be recognized here.
Aug 12 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 13:13:20 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 12:36:42 UTC, pascal111 wrote:"goto" is a bad "structured programming" feature, but not a bad programming feature.1) I used "exit()" from "core.stdc.stdlib;" module, but someone can say this isn't the D way to exit the program.It is better to simply return a value from main instead.2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature.Don't listen to people who are wrong.
Aug 12 2022
On Friday, 12 August 2022 at 07:02:32 UTC, Antonio wrote:On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 13:13:20 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:"structured programming" solved that with "while-like" loops.On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 12:36:42 UTC, pascal111 wrote:"goto" is a bad "structured programming" feature, but not a bad programming feature.1) I used "exit()" from "core.stdc.stdlib;" module, but someone can say this isn't the D way to exit the program.It is better to simply return a value from main instead.2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature.Don't listen to people who are wrong.
Aug 12 2022
On 11/08/2022 12:36 AM, pascal111 wrote:2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature.This is mostly a historical debate at this point. Back 40 years ago, goto wasn't typically limited within a procedure and doesn't have any checks in place to prevent you doing bad things. These days languages will implement such checks (including D). Some of the historical papers which debate this can be read from the book Literate Programming by Donald Knuth. If you do get the chance to read it, its a good read for cover to cover and teaches you a lot of the historical context that you may not get elsewhere.
Aug 10 2022
On Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 13:22:03 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:On 11/08/2022 12:36 AM, pascal111 wrote:I remember the famous problem at old days called "spaghetti code". But yes, D is modern and structured language and has good checks to prevent "goto" problems, but it's, "goto" still as you said a topic of historical debate.2) I used "goto", I heard from someone before that using "goto" isn't good programming feature.This is mostly a historical debate at this point. Back 40 years ago, goto wasn't typically limited within a procedure and doesn't have any checks in place to prevent you doing bad things. These days languages will implement such checks (including D). Some of the historical papers which debate this can be read from the book Literate Programming by Donald Knuth. If you do get the chance to read it, its a good read for cover to cover and teaches you a lot of the historical context that you may not get elsewhere.
Aug 10 2022