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digitalmars.D.learn - Mir-ion:YAML Example

reply Vino <akashvino79 gmail.com> writes:
Hi All,

   Can some point me where i can find examples on how to use 
mir-ion YAML

Apr 12 2023
parent WebFreak001 <d.forum webfreak.org> writes:
On Wednesday, 12 April 2023 at 12:00:14 UTC, Vino wrote:
 Hi All,

   Can some point me where i can find examples on how to use 
 mir-ion YAML

documentation is very sparse, but essentially with mir-ion you import the different ser/deser packages that you would like to use. If you for example want to deserialize YAML to a custom struct, you use ```d import mir.deser.yaml; struct CustomStruct { string foo; uint bar; } void main() { string yamlString = `{foo: str, bar: 4}`; CustomStruct s = yamlString.deserializeYaml!CustomStruct; assert(s == S("str", 4)); } ``` If you want to deserialize arbitrary values and introspect them at runtime, you use `YamlAlgebraic` instead of `CustomStruct`, which you can think of like std.json : JSONValue, but utilizes mir's algebraic structures, which work more like std.sumtype. To convert algebraic values to custom structs later, you use mir.ion.conv : serde, which basically just internally serializes the data and deserializes it again (but a little more efficiently) more deserialization examples in the unittests: https://github.com/libmir/mir-ion/blob/62c476a6a00d0d5ddfb3585bdfbe520d825e872b/source/mir/deser/yaml.d and for serialization you use `serializeYaml` from `mir.ser.yaml`, see https://github.com/libmir/mir-ion/blob/62c476a6a00d0d5ddfb3585bdfbe520d825e872b/source/mir/ser/yaml.d
Apr 12 2023