digitalmars.D.learn - Making my app translateable
- Henning Hasemann (11/11) Jul 19 2008 What is in the proper way to make my app easily translateable to other
- Henning Hasemann (7/7) Jul 19 2008 Okay I didn't expect that it would be *that* easy to implement basic
What is in the proper way to make my app easily translateable to other languages (with phobos). I know thet gettext exists but * I don't know if there is a D binding already (shouldn't be hard to make one though) * More important: How easy would it be to use that under non-unixoid OSes such as windows? Thanks for sharing your experiences Henning -- New GPG Public Key!
Jul 19 2008
Okay I didn't expect that it would be *that* easy to implement basic gettext functionality (.po compatible) on my own in D, so consider this one as solved. Henning -- New GPG Public Key!
Jul 19 2008