digitalmars.D.learn - Libharu D binding harud unicode support
How should one use libharu d binding in unicode mode. Consider this basic example. import std.stdio; import harud; import harud.c; void main() { void errorCallback(uint error_number, uint detail_number) { writefln("err %x, %s, (num %x)" , error_number , getErrorDescription(error_number), detail_number); } Doc pdf = new Doc(&errorCallback); /// New pdf document Font helvetica = pdf.getFont("Helvetica"); writeln("build font"); Page page = pdf.addPage(); /// Add a new page to the document writeln("page width:", page.width); auto status = page.setFontAndSize(helvetica, 60); /// Set the current font and size for the page writeln("set font width:", 60, " status", status); status = page.beginText(); /// Begin text mode writeln("begin ", status); status = page.showText("üçÇÜÖöĞğIı"); /// Print text to the page writeln("show ", status); page.endText(); /// End text mode pdf.saveToFile("./hello.pdf"); /// Write to disk } As you'd see I'd like to be able to write some Turkish characters to pdf file using libharu D binding.(a.k.a. harud)
Mar 01 2017
It looks like libharu or pdf don't support unicode well, see so you probably need to select the turkish codepage and supply text in that encoding.
Mar 02 2017