digitalmars.D.learn - Issue with Curry
Hello, I tried using the curry function last night and I ran into a compilation issue. Here's a simple example that demonstrates the issue: import std.functional; import std.stdio; void strwrite(string input) { writeln(input); } alias curry!(strwrite, "foo") writefoo; void main() { writefoo(); } And the error message: /apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(303): Error: tuple index 1 exceeds 1 /apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(9): Error: template instance std.functional.curry!(strwrite,"foo") error instantiating The examples I found in the documentation used ints, IIRC, however I don't recall seeing anything that would prevent me from using a string in this case. Am I doing something wrong or did I find an issue? Casey
Jun 24 2010
On 06/24/2010 06:54 PM, sybrandy wrote:Hello, I tried using the curry function last night and I ran into a compilation issue. Here's a simple example that demonstrates the issue: import std.functional; import std.stdio; void strwrite(string input) { writeln(input); } alias curry!(strwrite, "foo") writefoo; void main() { writefoo(); } And the error message: /apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(303): Error: tuple index 1 exceeds 1 /apps/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/functional.d(9): Error: template instance std.functional.curry!(strwrite,"foo") error instantiating The examples I found in the documentation used ints, IIRC, however I don't recall seeing anything that would prevent me from using a string in this case. Am I doing something wrong or did I find an issue? CaseyForgot to mention: this is occurring with the newest version of D2. (2.0.47)
Jun 24 2010