digitalmars.D.learn - Is runtime introspection in a working state?
- Andrej Mitrovic (23/23) Feb 02 2011 After exploring object.d/di I've found upon some functions I can use on ...
After exploring object.d/di I've found upon some functions I can use on a type returned by .classinfo. But "getMembers" which I'm interested in doesn't seem to work: import std.stdio; class Foo { int x; void bar() { } } void main() { Foo foo = new Foo(); auto info = foo.classinfo; auto barField = info.getMembers("bar"); writeln(typeid(barField)); // const(const(object.MemberInfo)[]) writeln(barField.length); // 0 auto fields = info.getMembers(null); writeln(typeid(fields)); // const(const(object.MemberInfo)[]) writeln(fields.length); // 0 } I can get other methods to work, such as toString and tsize. But no luck with getMembers.
Feb 02 2011