digitalmars.D.learn - Is __VERSION__ cross-compiler compatible?
- Andrej Mitrovic (7/7) Nov 21 2011 I've seen this code used somwhere:
- Stewart Gordon (11/18) Nov 30 2011 It's in the language spec, so obviously it's part of the language. But ...
I've seen this code used somwhere: static if (__VERSION__ > 2048) { } Does this work for all compilers, or is it DMD-specific? Also, does DMD1 define this too? I'm trying to retain compatibility of some D1 sample code but introduce D2 support as well.
Nov 21 2011
On 22/11/2011 01:10, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:I've seen this code used somwhere: static if (__VERSION__> 2048) { } Does this work for all compilers, or is it DMD-specific?It's in the language spec, so obviously it's part of the language. But since it's defined to be the _compiler_ version, values of __VERSION__ are compiler-specific. But with the number of versions the language has been through, it would be nice if they all had numbers...., does DMD1 define this too?Yes.I'm trying to retain compatibility of some D1 sample code but introduce D2 support as well.version(D_Version2) However, because parsing happens before CC, you can't use D2-specific syntax anywhere in a code file that needs to be D1-compatible, unless you wrap it in a string mixin. Stewart.
Nov 30 2011