digitalmars.D.learn - How to use a non-standard DDoc section?
- Max Samukha (9/9) Mar 01 2008 In the following example, the custom section header and contents are
- Max Samukha (3/12) Mar 03 2008 Yeah, my clock has gone unruly
- Derek Parnell (15/26) Mar 03 2008 Try this ...
- Max Samukha (4/21) Mar 04 2008 Thanks. I should have deduced that from See_Also section name. Are the
- Robert Fraser (29/57) Mar 04 2008 Basically, you can name sections any st of alphanumeric
- Max Samukha (12/40) Mar 04 2008 Yeah, I had read that. Still, the spec says nothing about what a valid
In the following example, the custom section header and contents are rendered as part of foo's descrition. I have not been able to persuade DDoc to make it a new section. Anybody knows how to do that? /** Params: foo = bar $(DDOC_SECTION_H Section header:) $(DDOC_SECTION Section contents) */
Mar 01 2008
On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:51:55 +0200, Max Samukha <samukha> wrote:In the following example, the custom section header and contents are rendered as part of foo's descrition. I have not been able to persuade DDoc to make it a new section. Anybody knows how to do that? /** Params: foo = bar $(DDOC_SECTION_H Section header:) $(DDOC_SECTION Section contents) */Yeah, my clock has gone unruly
Mar 03 2008
On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:51:55 +0200, Max Samukha wrote:In the following example, the custom section header and contents are rendered as part of foo's descrition. I have not been able to persuade DDoc to make it a new section. Anybody knows how to do that? /** Params: foo = bar $(DDOC_SECTION_H Section header:) $(DDOC_SECTION Section contents) */Try this ... /** Params: foo = bar Section_Header: Section contents */ A Section name can only consist of ASCII alphabetic characters and '_'. The '_' is converted to a space on rendering. -- Derek (skype: derek.j.parnell) Melbourne, Australia 4/03/2008 6:21:04 PM
Mar 03 2008
On Tue, 4 Mar 2008 18:29:45 +1100, Derek Parnell <derek> wrote:On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:51:55 +0200, Max Samukha wrote:Thanks. I should have deduced that from See_Also section name. Are the section naming rules mentioned anywhere in the spec?/** Params: foo = bar $(DDOC_SECTION_H Section header:) $(DDOC_SECTION Section contents) */Try this ... /** Params: foo = bar Section_Header: Section contents */ A Section name can only consist of ASCII alphabetic characters and '_'. The '_' is converted to a space on rendering.
Mar 04 2008
Max Samukha wrote:On Tue, 4 Mar 2008 18:29:45 +1100, Derek Parnell <derek> wrote:Basically, you can name sections any st of alphanumeric characters/underscores you want and the underscores are converted to spaces in the output. The text is treated as a section if a line begins with a valid section identifier followed by a colon. Look under "Sections" about halfway down. The sections the DMD Ddoc generator recognizes specially are: - Summary - Description - Copyright - Params - Macros There are some others specified by the docs, but these aren't treated any differently than regular sections you make up: - Authors - Bugs - Date - Deprecated - Examples - History - License - Returns - See_Also - Standards - Throws - Version (FYI, if you're using Descent, the "Returns" section for a function is given a special meaning in doc views)On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:51:55 +0200, Max Samukha wrote:Thanks. I should have deduced that from See_Also section name. Are the section naming rules mentioned anywhere in the spec?/** Params: foo = bar $(DDOC_SECTION_H Section header:) $(DDOC_SECTION Section contents) */Try this ... /** Params: foo = bar Section_Header: Section contents */ A Section name can only consist of ASCII alphabetic characters and '_'. The '_' is converted to a space on rendering.
Mar 04 2008
On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:33:24 -0800, Robert Fraser <fraserofthenight> wrote:Basically, you can name sections any st of alphanumeric characters/underscores you want and the underscores are converted to spaces in the output. The text is treated as a section if a line begins with a valid section identifier followed by a colon., I had read that. Still, the spec says nothing about what a valid section identifier is.Look under "Sections" about halfway down. The sections the DMD Ddoc generator recognizes specially are: - Summary - Description - Copyright - Params - Macros There are some others specified by the docs, but these aren't treated any differently than regular sections you make up: - Authors - Bugs - Date - Deprecated - Examples - History - License - Returns - See_Also - Standards - Throws - Version (FYI, if you're using Descent, the "Returns" section for a function is given a special meaning in doc views)Descent is cool, but unfortunately Eclipse does not run acceptably on the retarded hardware I have to use. I wish $(DDOC_SECTION_H) in doc comments was treated specially and started a new section allowing for non-alphanumeric characters in section headers. For example, I need a section with () in its header, right after the Params: section. Is there any way to do that?
Mar 04 2008