digitalmars.D.learn - How to convert member function to free function?
- Andrey Zherikov (18/18) Sep 18 2020 How can I rewrite foo() function as a free-function that won't
- H. S. Teoh (6/24) Sep 18 2020 Why can't you return by ref, which would also avoid the copying?
- Andrey Zherikov (6/8) Sep 18 2020 Compiler errors out:
- Andrey Zherikov (37/39) Sep 18 2020 I found solution:
How can I rewrite foo() function as a free-function that won't cause struct copying? My simplified code is: ======== struct S { ref S foo() return { return this; } } void main() { S().foo().foo().foo(); } ======== If I write it like "auto foo(S s) { return s; }" then statement in main() will copy value of S three times and I want to avoid this.
Sep 18 2020
On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 06:20:41PM +0000, Andrey Zherikov via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:How can I rewrite foo() function as a free-function that won't cause struct copying? My simplified code is: ======== struct S { ref S foo() return { return this; } } void main() { S().foo().foo().foo(); } ======== If I write it like "auto foo(S s) { return s; }" then statement in main() will copy value of S three times and I want to avoid this.Why can't you return by ref, which would also avoid the copying? ref S foo(return ref S s) { return s; } T -- Let's not fight disease by killing the patient. -- Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Sep 18 2020
On Friday, 18 September 2020 at 18:43:38 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:Why can't you return by ref, which would also avoid the copying? ref S foo(return ref S s) { return s; }Compiler errors out: onlineapp.d(9): Error: function ref S s) is not callable using argument types (S) onlineapp.d(9): cannot pass rvalue argument S() of type S to parameter return ref S s
Sep 18 2020
On Friday, 18 September 2020 at 18:20:41 UTC, Andrey Zherikov wrote:How can I rewrite foo() function as a free-function that won't cause struct copying?I found solution: ======== struct S { int i = -1; this(int n) {i=n;writeln(&this," ",i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);} this(ref return scope inout S rhs) inout {i=rhs.i+1;writeln(&this," ",i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);} ~this() {writeln(&this," ",i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);} ref auto getRef() return { writeln(&this," ",i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return this; } } ref auto foo(return ref S s) { writeln(&s," ",s.i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return s; } void main() { S(5).getRef().foo().foo().foo(); } ======== Output confirms that there is no copying happens: ======== 7FFDE98BDDF0 5 S onlineapp.S.this(int n) ref 7FFDE98BDDF0 5 onlineapp.S.getRef() ref return 7FFDE98BDDF0 5 ref S s) ref system 7FFDE98BDDF0 5 ref S s) ref system 7FFDE98BDDF0 5 ref S s) ref system 7FFDE98BDDF0 5 void onlineapp.S.~this() ========
Sep 18 2020