digitalmars.D.learn - How to Get Screenshot on Windows ?
- Softwarez (3/3) May 27 2017 Hi can anyone please help me how to get screenshot on Windows
- Vladimir Panteleev (9/12) May 27 2017 In the same way you'd do it in C.
Hi can anyone please help me how to get screenshot on Windows using D, because all the other threads are using linux to get screenshot.
May 27 2017
On Sunday, 28 May 2017 at 04:05:47 UTC, Softwarez wrote:Hi can anyone please help me how to get screenshot on Windows using D, because all the other threads are using linux to get screenshot.In the same way you'd do it in C. Here is a more convoluted D example in the form of a program I had lying around. It takes a screenshot of a window with alpha transparency, by taking two screenshots with white and black background, and calculating the alpha channel from those: It uses my image library for bitmap manipulation:
May 27 2017