digitalmars.D.learn - Get name of enum val at compile-time?
- Nick Sabalausky (13/13) Jan 15 2012 Is there a way to get the name of an enum value at compile-time?
- Jonathan M Davis (3/20) Jan 15 2012 to!string(Foo.hello)
- Nick Sabalausky (33/56) Jan 15 2012 Nope. That was the first thing I tried.
- Timon Gehr (2/5) Jan 15 2012 enum x = to!string(Foo.hello);
- Nick Sabalausky (3/9) Jan 15 2012 Goddamnnit, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yes that works :)
- Timon Gehr (3/13) Jan 15 2012 I suspect a better error message would have prevented this.
- Philippe Sigaud (16/19) Jan 15 2012 In that case, to!(Origin, Target) could be extended to deal with
- Peter Alexander (4/24) Jan 15 2012 The compiler should be able to give you a better error message. It
Is there a way to get the name of an enum value at compile-time? For instance: import std.stdio; enum Foo { hello } void main() { writeln(Foo.hello); } That prints "hello". But what I need is to get "hello" into a string at compile-time. Of course, I could just manually write a ctfe-able "fooToString()", or implement something like std.typecons.defineEnum (which appears to be deprecated now). But I'm wondering if I'm overlooking a better solution.
Jan 15 2012
On Sunday, January 15, 2012 03:53:09 Nick Sabalausky wrote:Is there a way to get the name of an enum value at compile-time? For instance: import std.stdio; enum Foo { hello } void main() { writeln(Foo.hello); } That prints "hello". But what I need is to get "hello" into a string at compile-time. Of course, I could just manually write a ctfe-able "fooToString()", or implement something like std.typecons.defineEnum (which appears to be deprecated now). But I'm wondering if I'm overlooking a better!string(Foo.hello) - Jonathan M Davis
Jan 15 2012
"Jonathan M Davis" <jmdavisProg> wrote in message news:mailman.388.1326617938.16222.digitalmars-d-learn Sunday, January 15, 2012 03:53:09 Nick Sabalausky wrote:Nope. That was the first thing I tried. With 2.057:Is there a way to get the name of an enum value at compile-time? For instance: import std.stdio; enum Foo { hello } void main() { writeln(Foo.hello); } That prints "hello". But what I need is to get "hello" into a string at compile-time. Of course, I could just manually write a ctfe-able "fooToString()", or implement something like std.typecons.defineEnum (which appears to be deprecated now). But I'm wondering if I'm overlooking a better!string(Foo.hello)type testCTEnumToString.dimport std.conv; enum Foo { hello } enum x = to!string();dmd testCTEnumToString.d -cphobos\std\conv.d(237): Error: template std.conv.toImpl(T,S) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S,T)) does not match any function template declaration phobos\std\conv.d(237): Error: template std.conv.toImpl(T,S) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S,T)) cannot deduce template function from argument types !(string)() phobos\std\conv.d(237): Error: template instance toImpl!(string) errors instantiating template testCTEnumToString.d(3): called from here: to() Doesn't work at runtime, either:type testRTEnumToString.dimport std.conv; enum Foo { hello } void main() { auto x = to!string(); }dmd testRTEnumToString.d -cphobos\std\conv.d(237): Error: template std.conv.toImpl(T,S) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S,T)) does not match any function template declaration phobos\std\conv.d(237): Error: template std.conv.toImpl(T,S) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S,T)) cannot deduce template function from argument types !(string)() phobos\std\conv.d(237): Error: template instance toImpl!(string) errors instantiating template testRTEnumToString.d(5): Error: template instance!(string).to!() error instantiating
Jan 15 2012
On 01/15/2012 09:34 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:import std.conv; enum Foo { hello } enum x = to!string();enum x = to!string(Foo.hello);
Jan 15 2012
"Timon Gehr" <timon.gehr> wrote in message news:jevefv$2je6$1 01/15/2012 09:34 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:Goddamnnit, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yes that works :)import std.conv; enum Foo { hello } enum x = to!string();enum x = to!string(Foo.hello);
Jan 15 2012
On 01/15/2012 10:02 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:"Timon Gehr"<timon.gehr> wrote in message news:jevefv$2je6$1 suspect a better error message would have prevented this. DMD still has some potential of improvement in that area. =)On 01/15/2012 09:34 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:Goddamnnit, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yes that works :)import std.conv; enum Foo { hello } enum x = to!string();enum x = to!string(Foo.hello);
Jan 15 2012
On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 22:19, Timon Gehr <timon.gehr> wrote: Nick:In that case, to!(Origin, Target) could be extended to deal with to!(Origin, <empty there>). It's been a long time since I last looked at, but maybe: template to(T) { T to(A...)(A args) { static if (A.length) return toImpl!T(args); else static assert(false, "Trying to use to!("~T.stringof~") with no argument. What were you trying to do?"); } }Goddamnnit, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yes that works :)I suspect a better error message would have prevented this. DMD still has some potential of improvement in that area. =)
Jan 15 2012
On 15/01/12 10:29 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 22:19, Timon Gehr<timon.gehr> wrote: Nick:The compiler should be able to give you a better error message. It shouldn't be the responsibility of the programmer to provide sensible error messages when you call a function with the wrong number of arguments.In that case, to!(Origin, Target) could be extended to deal with to!(Origin,<empty there>). It's been a long time since I last looked at, but maybe: template to(T) { T to(A...)(A args) { static if (A.length) return toImpl!T(args); else static assert(false, "Trying to use to!("~T.stringof~") with no argument. What were you trying to do?"); } }Goddamnnit, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yes that works :)I suspect a better error message would have prevented this. DMD still has some potential of improvement in that area. =)
Jan 15 2012