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digitalmars.D.learn - GDC Compilation wtih Directory Present

reply Murloc <justanotheraccount3212334 proton.me> writes:
My project structure is the following:

+-- pack
|   |
|   +-- file1.d
|   |
|   +-- file2.d
+-- program.d

And here is the code inside these files:

// file2.d
package int value = -120;

// file1.d
void printlnValueInFile2() {
     import std.stdio: writeln;
     import pack.file2: value;


// program.d
void main() {
    import pack.file1;

    printlnValueInFile2(); // -120 expected

 From the directory Test when I'm trying to compile the project 
with command
`gdc -o program program.d pack/file1.d pack/file2.d`, it produces 
3 errors with the following messages:

- module `file1` from file `pack/file1.d` must be imported with 
'`import file1;`' (instead of '`import pack.file1`')
- module `file2` from file `pack/file2.d` must be imported with 
'`import file2;`' (instead of '`import pack.file2`')

Don't you need to provide a full path to these files relatively 
to the directory where the compilation process takes place (Test)?

- module `file2` member '`value`' is not visible from module 
'`file1`' (however, both files are in the same directory)
Jun 15 2023
parent reply "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 16/06/2023 6:26 PM, Murloc wrote:
 Don't you need to provide a full path to these files relatively to the 
 directory where the compilation process takes place (Test)?
Yes. But I suspect you have not written the module statement, which is required. ```d module pack.file1; // file1.d void printlnValueInFile2() { import std.stdio: writeln; import pack.file2: value; writeln(value); } ``` ```d module pack.file2; package(pack) int value = -120; ``` Its also a good habit to write the package attribute with explicit package(s).
Jun 15 2023
parent reply Murloc <justanotheraccount3212334 proton.me> writes:
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 06:32:21 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:
 On 16/06/2023 6:26 PM, Murloc wrote:
 Don't you need to provide a full path to these files 
 relatively to the directory where the compilation process 
 takes place (Test)?
Yes. But I suspect you have not written the module statement, which is required. ```d module pack.file1; // file1.d void printlnValueInFile2() { import std.stdio: writeln; import pack.file2: value; writeln(value); } ``` ```d module pack.file2; package(pack) int value = -120; ``` Its also a good habit to write the package attribute with explicit package(s).
Thanks! That works well. I thought that `module pack.file1` is implicitly there by default :')
Jun 15 2023
parent Mike Parker <aldacron gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 16 June 2023 at 06:38:17 UTC, Murloc wrote:

 Thanks! That works well. I thought that `module pack.file1` is 
 implicitly there by default :')
The compiler will use the file name as a default module name if you don't provide one, but that's *just* the module name. It doesn't take into account any directories for package names.
Jun 15 2023