digitalmars.D.learn - Float swap using bswap produces different values
Hi All, Request your help in understanding why the below code is producing different outputs, code 1 output: 4294966806, code 2/3 output: 50331648, and which one is the correct output. ```d import std.stdio; auto floatswap(T)(T[] array) trusted nogc pure nothrow { foreach (ref item; array) { import core.bitop : bswap; // Code 1 output: 4294966806 const swapped1 = bswap(*cast(uint*)&item); item = *cast(const(T)*)&swapped1; return cast(uint) item; // Code 2 output: 50331648 uint tmp = cast(uint) item; tmp = bswap(tmp); uint swapped2 = cast(float) tmp; return swapped2; // Code 3 output: 50331648 return bswap(cast(uint) item); } return assert(false, "Unsupported T: " ~ T.stringof); } void main () { float[1] floatswapBuffer = [3.14f]; writeln(floatswap(floatswapBuffer[])); } ```
Oct 14 2024
On Monday, 14 October 2024 at 15:59:07 UTC, vinoB wrote:Hi All, Request your help in understanding why the below code is producing different outputs, code 1 output: 4294966806, code 2/3 output: 50331648, and which one is the correct output. [...]`cast(unint)` of a `float` does truncation. So none of your version is correct. See, paragraph 2.
Oct 14 2024
On Monday, 14 October 2024 at 20:38:38 UTC, user1234 wrote:On Monday, 14 October 2024 at 15:59:07 UTC, vinoB wrote:Well "Code 1" does the right thing expected for the cast on the return which wastes it.Hi All, Request your help in understanding why the below code is producing different outputs, code 1 output: 4294966806, code 2/3 output: 50331648, and which one is the correct output. [...]`cast(unint)` of a `float` does truncation. So none of your version is correct. See, paragraph 2.
Oct 14 2024