digitalmars.D.learn - Files not found issues
Windows 7, DMD 2.062 I was trying to use std.file.copy, and I kept getting a FileException because it couldn't find the file, even though I triple checked the name and that it existed in Explorer. So I did a little test to illustrate my point, and this is what happened: foreach (de; dirEntries("C:\\Windows\\System32", "msvcrt*", SpanMode.shallow)) writeln(de); stdout.flush(); system("dir C:\\Windows\\System32 | find \"msvcrt\""); produced C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt20.dll C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt40.dll 16/12/2011 05:52 PM 690,688 msvcrt.dll 14/07/2009 11:15 AM 253,952 msvcrt20.dll 14/07/2009 11:07 AM 60,928 msvcrt40.dll whereas running this in cmd: dir C:\Windows\System32 | find "msvcrt" produced 16/12/2011 06:46 PM 634,880 msvcrt.dll 16/12/2011 06:46 PM 634,880 msvcrt21.dll msvcrt21.dll I created by copying msvcrt.dll. I also can't find msvcrt20/40.dll inside Explorer. Is there any reason why these don't show the same results? Thanks, Josh
Aug 21 2013
On Thursday, 22 August 2013 at 04:18:34 UTC, Josh wrote:Windows 7, DMD 2.062 I was trying to use std.file.copy, and I kept getting a FileException because it couldn't find the file, even though I triple checked the name and that it existed in Explorer. So I did a little test to illustrate my point, and this is what happened: foreach (de; dirEntries("C:\\Windows\\System32", "msvcrt*", SpanMode.shallow)) writeln(de); stdout.flush(); system("dir C:\\Windows\\System32 | find \"msvcrt\""); produced C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt20.dll C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt40.dll 16/12/2011 05:52 PM 690,688 msvcrt.dll 14/07/2009 11:15 AM 253,952 msvcrt20.dll 14/07/2009 11:07 AM 60,928 msvcrt40.dll whereas running this in cmd: dir C:\Windows\System32 | find "msvcrt" produced 16/12/2011 06:46 PM 634,880 msvcrt.dll 16/12/2011 06:46 PM 634,880 msvcrt21.dll msvcrt21.dll I created by copying msvcrt.dll. I also can't find msvcrt20/40.dll inside Explorer. Is there any reason why these don't show the same results? Thanks, JoshAnybody know what's happening?
Sep 08 2013