digitalmars.D.learn - Fast multidimensional Arrays
- Steinhagelvoll (47/47) Aug 29 2016 Hello,
- kink (2/2) Aug 29 2016 At the very least, give the LDC command line a `-release`,
- rikki cattermole (7/53) Aug 29 2016 By the looks you're not running the tests more then once.
- Steinhagelvoll (12/12) Aug 29 2016 Ok I added release and implemented the benchmark for 500
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (2/13) Aug 29 2016 It is possible, there is a lot of indirections
- rikki cattermole (45/56) Aug 29 2016 double[1000][] A, B, C;
- rikki cattermole (24/85) Aug 29 2016 Below change is slightly faster:
- Steinhagelvoll (10/18) Aug 29 2016 It seems that the ini doesn't work properly. Every value seems to
- rikki cattermole (43/51) Aug 29 2016 My bad, fixed:
- rikki cattermole (6/6) Aug 29 2016 Okay looks like I've made a boo boo and ldc is compiling out that entire...
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (36/42) Aug 29 2016 this is my version:
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (10/52) Aug 29 2016 This will not work, you need to add some ref :).
- David Nadlinger (5/9) Aug 29 2016 D program startup is on the order of milliseconds, so the
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (13/59) Aug 29 2016 It is unfair to compare different backend:
- Steinhagelvoll (12/27) Aug 29 2016 This seems to be it. I also implemented it in C++ (because
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (3/35) Aug 29 2016 with gcc you can try enable some optimalizations: g++ -O3 -march=native
- Seb (10/13) Aug 29 2016 You should definitely have a look at this benchmark for matrix
- Steinhagelvoll (6/19) Aug 29 2016 It not really about multiplying matrices. I wanted to see how D
- Ilya Yaroshenko (11/36) Aug 29 2016 ndslice is analog of numpy. It is more flexible comparing with
- Stefan Koch (5/11) Aug 29 2016 Any chance you can post the generated asm ?
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (2/14) Aug 29 2016 why i486, I belive it will select x86_64 by default on linux
Hello, I'm trying to find a fast way to use multi dimensional arrays. For this I implemented a matrix multiplication and compared the times for different ways. As a reference I used a Fortran90 implementation. Fortran reference: ifort test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf real 0m0.680s user 0m0.672s sys 0m0.008s ifort -O3 test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf real 0m0.235s user 0m0.228s sys 0m0.004s ifort -check all test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf 1000 real 0m34.993s user 0m35.012s sys 0m0.008s For D it tried a number of different ways: NDSlice: real 0m35.922s user 0m35.888s sys 0m0.008 1D Arrays: dmd -boundscheck=off -O test.d && time ./test real 0m4.415s user 0m4.412s sys 0m0.004s ldc2 -O3 test.d && time ./test real 0m4.261s user 0m4.252s sys 0m0.004s 2D Arrays: dmd -boundscheck=off -O nd_test.d && time ./nd_test real 0m3.565s user 0m3.560s sys 0m0.004s ldc2 -O3 nd_test.d && time ./nd_test real 0m3.568s user 0m3.560s sys 0m0.004s None of them is even close to the Fortran implementation, only when I enable all check in Fortran it seems to be equal to Ndslice. Is there a speedy way to use multi-dimensional matrices? Kind regards Matthias
Aug 29 2016
At the very least, give the LDC command line a `-release`, otherwise you end up with all assertions enabled etc.
Aug 29 2016
On 29/08/2016 9:53 PM, Steinhagelvoll wrote:Hello, I'm trying to find a fast way to use multi dimensional arrays. For this I implemented a matrix multiplication and compared the times for different ways. As a reference I used a Fortran90 implementation. Fortran reference: ifort test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf real 0m0.680s user 0m0.672s sys 0m0.008s ifort -O3 test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf real 0m0.235s user 0m0.228s sys 0m0.004s ifort -check all test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf 1000 real 0m34.993s user 0m35.012s sys 0m0.008s For D it tried a number of different ways: NDSlice: real 0m35.922s user 0m35.888s sys 0m0.008 1D Arrays: dmd -boundscheck=off -O test.d && time ./test real 0m4.415s user 0m4.412s sys 0m0.004s ldc2 -O3 test.d && time ./test real 0m4.261s user 0m4.252s sys 0m0.004s 2D Arrays: dmd -boundscheck=off -O nd_test.d && time ./nd_test real 0m3.565s user 0m3.560s sys 0m0.004s ldc2 -O3 nd_test.d && time ./nd_test real 0m3.568s user 0m3.560s sys 0m0.004s None of them is even close to the Fortran implementation, only when I enable all check in Fortran it seems to be equal to Ndslice. Is there a speedy way to use multi-dimensional matrices? Kind regards MatthiasBy the looks you're not running the tests more then once. Druntime initialization could be effecting this. Please execute each test (without memory allocation) 10000 times atleast and then report back what they are. Something like will be very helpful.
Aug 29 2016
Ok I added release and implemented the benchmark for 500 iterations, 10000 are not reasonable. I build on the 2d array with LDC: (changes just in the beginning) $ ldc2 -release -O3 nd_test.d $ ./nd_test 12 minutes, 18 secs, 21 ms, 858 μs, and 3 hnsecs , which is 738 seconds. Compared to (also 500 iterations) ifort -O3 -o fort_test test.f90 && ./fort_test time: 107.4640 seconds This still seems like a big difference. Is it because I don't use a continous piece of memory, but rather a pointer to a pointer?
Aug 29 2016
Dne 29.8.2016 v 14:13 Steinhagelvoll via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):Ok I added release and implemented the benchmark for 500 iterations, 10000 are not reasonable. I build on the 2d array with LDC: (changes just in the beginning) $ ldc2 -release -O3 nd_test.d $ ./nd_test 12 minutes, 18 secs, 21 ms, 858 μs, and 3 hnsecs , which is 738 seconds. Compared to (also 500 iterations) ifort -O3 -o fort_test test.f90 && ./fort_test time: 107.4640 seconds This still seems like a big difference. Is it because I don't use a continous piece of memory, but rather a pointer to a pointer?It is possible, there is a lot of indirections
Aug 29 2016
On 30/08/2016 12:13 AM, Steinhagelvoll wrote:Ok I added release and implemented the benchmark for 500 iterations, 10000 are not reasonable. I build on the 2d array with LDC: (changes just in the beginning) $ ldc2 -release -O3 nd_test.d $ ./nd_test 12 minutes, 18 secs, 21 ms, 858 μs, and 3 hnsecs , which is 738 seconds. Compared to (also 500 iterations) ifort -O3 -o fort_test test.f90 && ./fort_test time: 107.4640 seconds This still seems like a big difference. Is it because I don't use a continous piece of memory, but rather a pointer to a pointer?double[1000][] A, B, C; void main() { A = new double[1000][1000]; B = new double[1000][1000]; C = new double[1000][1000]; import std.conv : to; import std.datetime; import std.stdio : writeln; ini(A); ini(B); ini(C); auto r = benchmark!run_test(10000); auto res = to!Duration(r[0]); writeln(res); } void run_test() { MatMul(A, B, C); } void ini(T)(T mtx) { foreach(v; mtx) { v = 3.4; } foreach(i, v; mtx) { foreach(j, vv; v) { vv += (i * j) + (0.6 * j); } } } void MatMul(T)(T A, T B, T C) { foreach(cv; C) { cv = 0f; } foreach(i, cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { foreach(k, cvv; cv) { cvv += av * B[j][k]; } } } } $ ldc2 test.d -O5 -release -oftest.exe -m64 $ ./test 3 secs, 995 ms, 115 μs, and 2 hnsecs Please verify that it is still doing the same thing that you want.
Aug 29 2016
On 30/08/2016 1:02 AM, rikki cattermole wrote:On 30/08/2016 12:13 AM, Steinhagelvoll wrote:Below change is slightly faster: foreach(i, cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { auto bv = B[j]; foreach(k, cvv; cv) { cvv += av * bv[k]; } } }Ok I added release and implemented the benchmark for 500 iterations, 10000 are not reasonable. I build on the 2d array with LDC: (changes just in the beginning) $ ldc2 -release -O3 nd_test.d $ ./nd_test 12 minutes, 18 secs, 21 ms, 858 μs, and 3 hnsecs , which is 738 seconds. Compared to (also 500 iterations) ifort -O3 -o fort_test test.f90 && ./fort_test time: 107.4640 seconds This still seems like a big difference. Is it because I don't use a continous piece of memory, but rather a pointer to a pointer?double[1000][] A, B, C; void main() { A = new double[1000][1000]; B = new double[1000][1000]; C = new double[1000][1000]; import std.conv : to; import std.datetime; import std.stdio : writeln; ini(A); ini(B); ini(C); auto r = benchmark!run_test(10000); auto res = to!Duration(r[0]); writeln(res); } void run_test() { MatMul(A, B, C); } void ini(T)(T mtx) { foreach(v; mtx) { v = 3.4; } foreach(i, v; mtx) { foreach(j, vv; v) { vv += (i * j) + (0.6 * j); } } } void MatMul(T)(T A, T B, T C) { foreach(cv; C) { cv = 0f; } foreach(i, cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { foreach(k, cvv; cv) { cvv += av * B[j][k]; } } } } $ ldc2 test.d -O5 -release -oftest.exe -m64 $ ./test 3 secs, 995 ms, 115 μs, and 2 hnsecs Please verify that it is still doing the same thing that you want.
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 13:02:43 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:On 30/08/2016 12:13 AM, Steinhagelvoll wrote:It seems that the ini doesn't work properly. Every value seems to be nan. ini(A); ini(B); ini(C); writeln(A[0][0]); writeln(C[3][9]); nan nan[...]double[1000][] A, B, C; void main() { A = new double[1000][1000]; B = new double[1000][1000]; C = new double[1000][1000]; [...]
Aug 29 2016
On 30/08/2016 1:50 AM, Steinhagelvoll wrote:It seems that the ini doesn't work properly. Every value seems to be nan. ini(A); ini(B); ini(C); writeln(A[0][0]); writeln(C[3][9]); nan nanMy bad, fixed: double[1000][] A, B, C; void main() { A = new double[1000][1000]; B = new double[1000][1000]; C = new double[1000][1000]; import std.conv : to; import std.datetime; import std.stdio : writeln; ini(A); ini(B); ini(C); auto r = benchmark!run_test(10000); auto res = to!Duration(r[0]); writeln(res); } void run_test() { MatMul(A, B, C); } void ini(T)(T mtx) { foreach(ref v; mtx) { v = 3.4; } foreach(i, v; mtx) { foreach(j, ref vv; v) { vv += (i * j) + (0.6 * j); } } } void MatMul(T)(T A, T B, T C) { foreach(cv; C) { cv = 0f; } foreach(i, cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { auto bv = B[j]; foreach(k, cvv; cv) { cvv += av * bv[k]; } } } }
Aug 29 2016
Okay looks like I've made a boo boo and ldc is compiling out that entire multiplication loop out. Its passing the array statically and since its never assigned back, its just never compiled in (unless you specify it via ref). So, this is where I give up as it is 2am. Perhaps try and make it parallel (std.parallemism can help hugely).
Aug 29 2016
Dne 29.8.2016 v 16:08 rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):Okay looks like I've made a boo boo and ldc is compiling out that entire multiplication loop out. Its passing the array statically and since its never assigned back, its just never compiled in (unless you specify it via ref). So, this is where I give up as it is 2am. Perhaps try and make it parallel (std.parallemism can help hugely).this is my version: import std.stdio; immutable int n = 1000, l=1000, m=1000; struct ZeroDouble { double val = 0f; alias val this; } void main(string[] args) { auto A = new double [1000][m]; auto B = new double [1000][n]; auto C = new ZeroDouble[1000][n]; ini!(A); ini!(B); MatMul!(A,B,C); writeln(C[1][1]); writefln("%d %d ", C.length, C[0].length); } void ini(alias mtx)(){ foreach(i, ref mtxInner; mtx) { foreach(j, ref cell; mtxInner) { cell = i*j + 0.6*j +3.4; } } } void MatMul(alias A, alias B, alias C)() { foreach(i, ref cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { foreach(k, ref cvv; cv) { cvv += av * B[j][k]; } } } }
Aug 29 2016
Dne 29.8.2016 v 15:57 rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):My bad, fixed: double[1000][] A, B, C; void main() { A = new double[1000][1000]; B = new double[1000][1000]; C = new double[1000][1000]; import std.conv : to; import std.datetime; import std.stdio : writeln; ini(A); ini(B); ini(C); auto r = benchmark!run_test(10000); auto res = to!Duration(r[0]); writeln(res); } void run_test() { MatMul(A, B, C); } void ini(T)(T mtx) { foreach(ref v; mtx) { v = 3.4; } foreach(i, v; mtx) { foreach(j, ref vv; v) { vv += (i * j) + (0.6 * j); } } } void MatMul(T)(T A, T B, T C) { foreach(cv; C) { cv = 0f; } foreach(i, cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { auto bv = B[j]; foreach(k, cvv; cv) { cvv += av * bv[k]; } } } }This will not work, you need to add some ref :). foreach(i, ref cv; C) { foreach(j, av; A[i]) { auto bv = B[j]; foreach(k, ref cvv; cv) { cvv += av * bv[k]; } } }
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 10:20:56 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:By the looks you're not running the tests more then once. Druntime initialization could be effecting this. Please execute each test (without memory allocation) 10000 times atleast and then report back what they are.D program startup is on the order of milliseconds, so the difference is negligible for a benchmark that runs for more than a second vs. 200 ms. — David
Aug 29 2016
Dne 29.8.2016 v 11:53 Steinhagelvoll via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):Hello, I'm trying to find a fast way to use multi dimensional arrays. For this I implemented a matrix multiplication and compared the times for different ways. As a reference I used a Fortran90 implementation. Fortran reference: ifort test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf real 0m0.680s user 0m0.672s sys 0m0.008s ifort -O3 test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf real 0m0.235s user 0m0.228s sys 0m0.004s ifort -check all test.f90 -o testf && time ./testf 1000 real 0m34.993s user 0m35.012s sys 0m0.008s For D it tried a number of different ways: NDSlice: real 0m35.922s user 0m35.888s sys 0m0.008 1D Arrays: dmd -boundscheck=off -O test.d && time ./test real 0m4.415s user 0m4.412s sys 0m0.004s ldc2 -O3 test.d && time ./test real 0m4.261s user 0m4.252s sys 0m0.004s 2D Arrays: dmd -boundscheck=off -O nd_test.d && time ./nd_test real 0m3.565s user 0m3.560s sys 0m0.004s ldc2 -O3 nd_test.d && time ./nd_test real 0m3.568s user 0m3.560s sys 0m0.004s None of them is even close to the Fortran implementation, only when I enable all check in Fortran it seems to be equal to Ndslice. Is there a speedy way to use multi-dimensional matrices? Kind regards MatthiasIt is unfair to compare different backend: gfortran -O3 -o test test.f90 [kozak dajinka ~]$ time ./test real 0m2.072s user 0m2.053s sys 0m0.013s gdc -O3 -o test test.d [kozak dajinka ~]$ time ./test real 0m1.655s user 0m1.640s sys 0m0.010s Obviously ifort can use some special instruction on your CPU
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 13:59:15 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:Dne 29.8.2016 v 11:53 Steinhagelvoll via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):This seems to be it. I also implemented it in C++ (because gfortran isn't the main focus of GNU) and this is the result: $ ./cpp_test_clang elapsed time 1.12785 $ ./cpp_test_gpp elapsed time 1.24206 $ ./cpp_test_intel elapsed time 0.298331 It is quite surprising that there is this much of a difference, even when all run sequential. I believe this might be specific to this small problem.[...]It is unfair to compare different backend: gfortran -O3 -o test test.f90 [kozak dajinka ~]$ time ./test real 0m2.072s user 0m2.053s sys 0m0.013s gdc -O3 -o test test.d [kozak dajinka ~]$ time ./test real 0m1.655s user 0m1.640s sys 0m0.010s Obviously ifort can use some special instruction on your CPU
Aug 29 2016
Dne 29.8.2016 v 16:43 Steinhagelvoll via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 13:59:15 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:with gcc you can try enable some optimalizations: g++ -O3 -march=native -o test test.cppDne 29.8.2016 v 11:53 Steinhagelvoll via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):This seems to be it. I also implemented it in C++ (because gfortran isn't the main focus of GNU) and this is the result: $ ./cpp_test_clang elapsed time 1.12785 $ ./cpp_test_gpp elapsed time 1.24206 $ ./cpp_test_intel elapsed time 0.298331 It is quite surprising that there is this much of a difference, even when all run sequential. I believe this might be specific to this small problem.[...]It is unfair to compare different backend: gfortran -O3 -o test test.f90 [kozak dajinka ~]$ time ./test real 0m2.072s user 0m2.053s sys 0m0.013s gdc -O3 -o test test.d [kozak dajinka ~]$ time ./test real 0m1.655s user 0m1.640s sys 0m0.010s Obviously ifort can use some special instruction on your CPU
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 14:43:08 UTC, Steinhagelvoll wrote:It is quite surprising that there is this much of a difference, even when all run sequential. I believe this might be specific to this small problem.You should definitely have a look at this benchmark for matrix multiplication across a many languages: With the recent generic GLAS kernel in mir, matrix multiplication in D is the blazingly fast (it improved the existing results by at least 8x). Please not that this requires the latest LDC beta with includes the fastMath pragma and GLAS is still under development at mir:
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 14:55:50 UTC, Seb wrote:On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 14:43:08 UTC, Steinhagelvoll wrote:It not really about multiplying matrices. I wanted to see how D compares for different tasks. If I actually want to do matrix multiplication I will use LAPACK or something of that nature. In this task the difference was much bigger compared to e.g. prime testing, which was about even.It is quite surprising that there is this much of a difference, even when all run sequential. I believe this might be specific to this small problem.You should definitely have a look at this benchmark for matrix multiplication across a many languages: With the recent generic GLAS kernel in mir, matrix multiplication in D is the blazingly fast (it improved the existing results by at least 8x). Please not that this requires the latest LDC beta with includes the fastMath pragma and GLAS is still under development at mir:
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 15:46:26 UTC, Steinhagelvoll wrote:On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 14:55:50 UTC, Seb wrote:ndslice is analog of numpy. It is more flexible comparing with Fortran arrays. In the same time, if you want fast iteration please use Mir, which includes upcoming ndslice.algorithm with fasmath attribute and `vectorized` flag for `ndReduce`. Note, that in-memory representation is important for vectorization, e.g. for dot product both slices should have strides equal to 1. Add also -mcpu=native flag for LDC. Best regards, IlyaOn Monday, 29 August 2016 at 14:43:08 UTC, Steinhagelvoll wrote:It not really about multiplying matrices. I wanted to see how D compares for different tasks. If I actually want to do matrix multiplication I will use LAPACK or something of that nature. In this task the difference was much bigger compared to e.g. prime testing, which was about even.It is quite surprising that there is this much of a difference, even when all run sequential. I believe this might be specific to this small problem.You should definitely have a look at this benchmark for matrix multiplication across a many languages: With the recent generic GLAS kernel in mir, matrix multiplication in D is the blazingly fast (it improved the existing results by at least 8x). Please not that this requires the latest LDC beta with includes the fastMath pragma and GLAS is still under development at mir:
Aug 29 2016
On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 09:53:12 UTC, Steinhagelvoll wrote:Hello, I'm trying to find a fast way to use multi dimensional arrays. For this I implemented a matrix multiplication and compared the times for different ways. As a reference I used a Fortran90 implementation. [...]Any chance you can post the generated asm ? I have a suspicion: you are not passing your cpu arch to ldc, thus probably it generated i486 code.
Aug 29 2016
Dne 29.8.2016 v 16:21 Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-learn napsal(a):On Monday, 29 August 2016 at 09:53:12 UTC, Steinhagelvoll wrote:why i486, I belive it will select x86_64 by default on linuxHello, I'm trying to find a fast way to use multi dimensional arrays. For this I implemented a matrix multiplication and compared the times for different ways. As a reference I used a Fortran90 implementation. [...]Any chance you can post the generated asm ? I have a suspicion: you are not passing your cpu arch to ldc, thus probably it generated i486 code.
Aug 29 2016