digitalmars.D.learn - Error: conflicting Ddoc and obj generation options
mono-d is running on centos7 with options below: first: { "name": "ezsock", "targetType": "executable", "description": "A minimal D application.", "copyright": "Copyright © 2015, zhmt", "authors": ["zhmt"], "mainSourceFile": "source/app.d", "dependencies": { "gamelibd": {"path":"../gamelibd"} }, "lflags":["-L../bin"], "workingDirectory":"../bin", "targetPath":"../bin", } second: { "name": "gamelibd", "targetType": "sourceLibrary", "description": "A minimal D application.", "copyright": "Copyright © 2015, zhmt", "authors": ["zhmt"], "lflags":["-L../bin"], "workingDirectory":"../bin", "targetPath":"../bin", } The compilation complains that: Compiling using dmd... Error: conflicting Ddoc and obj generation options FAIL .dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2067-3E65324D543ED 9695028F22620736D3/ ezsock executable Error executing command build: dmd failed with exit code 1. Exit code 2 I cant figure out whats wrong with it. The almost same program compiles and runs well on mac osx. I was stuck for almost a day, Thanks for your help in advance!
May 04 2015
Finally,I got the dmd command line as below: dmd -c -of.dub/build/application-debug-linux.posix-x86_64-dmd_2067-3E65324D543ED19695028 22620736D3/ezsock.o -debug -g -w -version=Have_ezsock -version=Have_gamelibd -Isource/ -I../gamelibd/source/ -Jviews source/app.d ...... And try to remove dmd option one by one, but the same compilation error exists. Weird.
May 05 2015