digitalmars.D.learn - Enum to string array
- Spacen Jasset (5/5) Oct 01 2008 enum Symbols {
- bearophile (5/10) Oct 01 2008 You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings,...
- Don (2/10) Oct 01 2008 Such a thing already exists in phobos2 in std.typecons.
- Spacen Jasset (3/16) Oct 01 2008 I will have a look at how this works. Presumably is DMD2, which I don't
- Bill Baxter (8/26) Oct 01 2008 It is D2, but there's a port of it to D1 in the "std2" project.
- Spacen Jasset (4/17) Oct 01 2008 This sounds interesting. Can you give me a simple example of this. I
- Gide Nwawudu (19/36) Oct 01 2008 The docs are here.
- ylixir (8/16) Oct 01 2008 maybe an associative array is what you are looking for?
- Spacen Jasset (5/26) Oct 01 2008 Yes indeed. But I really would like it to map the other way, also it's a...
- Sergey Gromov (52/69) Oct 02 2008 Here's one possible solution:
- Spacen Jasset (3/81) Oct 03 2008 Ah thanks. I will try this out. I must say that I can't find
- Sergey Gromov (3/5) Oct 03 2008
- Sergey Gromov (4/10) Oct 03 2008 Oh, and
- Spacen Jasset (2/12) Oct 07 2008 Thanks.
enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?
Oct 01 2008
Spacen Jasset:enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings, defines an enum and its array of strings, to map index => symbol. You can also add the opposite mapping, letting it create a switch at compile time, or an associative array, or (but this is often overkill) a perfect hash. If you need help ask more :-) Bye, bearophile
Oct 01 2008
bearophile wrote:Spacen Jasset:Such a thing already exists in phobos2 in std.typecons.enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings, defines an enum and its array of strings, to map index => symbol.
Oct 01 2008
Don wrote:bearophile wrote:I will have a look at how this works. Presumably is DMD2, which I don't currently use.Spacen Jasset:Such a thing already exists in phobos2 in std.typecons.enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings, defines an enum and its array of strings, to map index => symbol.
Oct 01 2008
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Spacen Jasset <spacenjasset> wrote:Don wrote:It is D2, but there's a port of it to D1 in the "std2" project. It's not one of the modules I've used, though, so I can't recall if it actually worked or not. (For some reason I didn't put it in the list of "ported modules" here -- could be I just forgot to update that list after porting it.) --bbbearophile wrote:I will have a look at how this works. Presumably is DMD2, which I don't currently use.Spacen Jasset:Such a thing already exists in phobos2 in std.typecons.enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings, defines an enum and its array of strings, to map index => symbol.
Oct 01 2008
bearophile wrote:Spacen Jasset:This sounds interesting. Can you give me a simple example of this. I don't really deal in mixins and templates much at the moment, so I cannot imagine how this might be done.enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings, defines an enum and its array of strings, to map index => symbol. You can also add the opposite mapping, letting it create a switch at compile time, or an associative array, or (but this is often overkill) a perfect hash. If you need help ask more :-) Bye, bearophile
Oct 01 2008
On Wed, 01 Oct 2008 16:50:43 +0100, Spacen Jasset <spacenjasset> wrote:bearophile wrote:The docs are here. module main; import std.stdio; import std.typecons; void main() { mixin(defineEnum!("Direction", "North", "South", "East", "West")); auto d = Direction.North; writefln(d, " = ", enumToString(d)); enumFromString("South",d); writefln(d, " = ", enumToString(d)); } Hope this helps. GideSpacen Jasset:This sounds interesting. Can you give me a simple example of this. I don't really deal in mixins and templates much at the moment, so I cannot imagine how this might be done.enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?You can create a template mixin that given the list of names as strings, defines an enum and its array of strings, to map index => symbol. You can also add the opposite mapping, letting it create a switch at compile time, or an associative array, or (but this is often overkill) a perfect hash. If you need help ask more :-) Bye, bearophile
Oct 01 2008
Spacen Jasset wrote:enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?maybe an associative array is what you are looking for? something like: char[][Symbols] theArray; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD] = "Cycle Forward"; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARD] = "Cycle Backwards"; writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD]); //prints "Cycle Forward" writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARDS]); //prints "Cycle Backwards"
Oct 01 2008
ylixir wrote:Spacen Jasset wrote:Yes indeed. But I really would like it to map the other way, also it's a bit akward as you have to add an enum entry and a AA aray entry. But it's defiantly a possible solution. At the moment I have parallel arrays, which is also a bit risky.enum Symbols { CYCLIC_FORWARD, CYCLIC_BACKWARD, CYCLIC_LEFT, etc }; How could I map this into an array? (or vice-versa) must I use a switch statement, or an enum -> string mapping array?maybe an associative array is what you are looking for? something like: char[][Symbols] theArray; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD] = "Cycle Forward"; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARD] = "Cycle Backwards"; writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD]); //prints "Cycle Forward" writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARDS]); //prints "Cycle Backwards"
Oct 01 2008
Wed, 01 Oct 2008 17:03:26 +0100, Spacen Jasset wrote:ylixir wrote:Here's one possible solution: import std.stdio: writeln; string makeList(R...)(string first, R rest) { static if (rest.length) return first ~ ", " ~ makeList(rest); else return first; } string[] toArray(R...)(string first, R rest) { static if (rest.length) return [first] ~ toArray(rest); else return [first]; } template TwoWayEnum(Fields...) { mixin("enum { " ~ makeList(Fields) ~ "};"); string toString(int el) { return toArray(Fields)[el]; } int fromString(string s) { int fromString(R...)(int id, string first, R rest) { if (first == s) return id; else { static if (rest.length) return fromString(id+1, rest); else throw new Exception("bad name"); } } return fromString(0, Fields); } } void main() { alias TwoWayEnum!("a"[],"b"[],"c"[],"d"[]) abcd; writeln(abcd.c); writeln(abcd.toString(abcd.c)); writeln(abcd.fromString("c")); } One complication here is that you must specify element names with square brackets at the end which converts them into slices, otherwise toArray stuff doesn't work.maybe an associative array is what you are looking for? something like: char[][Symbols] theArray; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD] = "Cycle Forward"; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARD] = "Cycle Backwards"; writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD]); //prints "Cycle Forward" writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARDS]); //prints "Cycle Backwards"Yes indeed. But I really would like it to map the other way, also it's a bit akward as you have to add an enum entry and a AA aray entry. But it's defiantly a possible solution. At the moment I have parallel arrays, which is also a bit risky.
Oct 02 2008
Sergey Gromov wrote:Wed, 01 Oct 2008 17:03:26 +0100, Spacen Jasset wrote:Ah thanks. I will try this out. I must say that I can't find documentation on the mixin("") form on the official site.ylixir wrote:Here's one possible solution: import std.stdio: writeln; string makeList(R...)(string first, R rest) { static if (rest.length) return first ~ ", " ~ makeList(rest); else return first; } string[] toArray(R...)(string first, R rest) { static if (rest.length) return [first] ~ toArray(rest); else return [first]; } template TwoWayEnum(Fields...) { mixin("enum { " ~ makeList(Fields) ~ "};"); string toString(int el) { return toArray(Fields)[el]; } int fromString(string s) { int fromString(R...)(int id, string first, R rest) { if (first == s) return id; else { static if (rest.length) return fromString(id+1, rest); else throw new Exception("bad name"); } } return fromString(0, Fields); } } void main() { alias TwoWayEnum!("a"[],"b"[],"c"[],"d"[]) abcd; writeln(abcd.c); writeln(abcd.toString(abcd.c)); writeln(abcd.fromString("c")); } One complication here is that you must specify element names with square brackets at the end which converts them into slices, otherwise toArray stuff doesn't work.maybe an associative array is what you are looking for? something like: char[][Symbols] theArray; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD] = "Cycle Forward"; theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARD] = "Cycle Backwards"; writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_FORWARD]); //prints "Cycle Forward" writefln(theArray[Symbols.CYCLIC_BACKWARDS]); //prints "Cycle Backwards"Yes indeed. But I really would like it to map the other way, also it's a bit akward as you have to add an enum entry and a AA aray entry. But it's defiantly a possible solution. At the moment I have parallel arrays, which is also a bit risky.
Oct 03 2008
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:44:58 +0100, Spacen Jasset wrote:Ah thanks. I will try this out. I must say that I can't find documentation on the mixin("") form on the official site.
Oct 03 2008
Sat, 4 Oct 2008 00:50:55 +0400, Sergey Gromov wrote:Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:44:58 +0100, Spacen Jasset wrote:Oh, and thanks. I will try this out. I must say that I can't find documentation on the mixin("") form on the official site.
Oct 03 2008
Sergey Gromov wrote:Sat, 4 Oct 2008 00:50:55 +0400, Sergey Gromov wrote:Thanks.Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:44:58 +0100, Spacen Jasset wrote:Oh, and thanks. I will try this out. I must say that I can't find documentation on the mixin("") form on the official site.
Oct 07 2008