digitalmars.D.learn - E-mail attachment with unwanted characters
- Vino.B (62/62) Apr 27 2018 Hi All,
- Adam D. Ruppe (2/4) Apr 27 2018 what are those random dots for?
Hi All, Request your help, the below code is working as expected, but when I receive the attachment, the attachment contains the orginal text plus some unwanted characters like below, can someone help me how to remove these unwanted characters. Unwanted characters This is a test documentoÞóÎ}ã¿xÛ]Zõ§ûwN¶÷ÆÝy· Code: import std.base64: Base64; import std.container.array; import std.conv : to; import std.file: read; import std.format : format; import; import std.path : baseName; import std.uuid: randomUUID; pragma(lib, "curl"); string Message(string To, string From, string Body, string Subject, string Filename, ubyte[] Content) { Array!string headers; string cid, msg, boundary = randomUUID().toString(), Fname = baseName(Filename); const string crlf = "\r\n"; int Size = to!int(getSize(Filename)); headers.insert("From: " ~ From ); headers.insert("To: " ~ To ); headers.insert("Subject: " ~ "Subject" ); headers.insert("MIME-Version: 1.0"); headers.insert(format("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"%s\"\r\n", boundary)); headers.insert("--" ~ boundary); headers.insert("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); headers.insert(crlf); headers.insert(Body); headers.insert(crlf); headers.insert("--" ~ boundary); headers.insert("Content-Type: text/plain"); headers ~ ((cid !is null) ? "Content-ID: <" ~ cid ~ ">" : ""); headers.insert("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"); headers.insert("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" ~ Fname ~ "\""); headers.insert(crlf); headers.insert(to!string(Base64.encode(Content)) ~ ".\r\n"); headers.insert(crlf); headers.insert("--" ~ boundary ~ "."); msg.reserve(Size + Body.length); foreach(header; headers) { msg ~= header ~ "\r\n"; } if(msg.length > 0) { msg ~= "\r\n";} return(msg); } void main () { auto Filename = "C:\\Script\\New\\new.txt"; auto Con = cast(ubyte[])read(Filename); auto smtp = SMTP("smtp://"); smtp.mailTo = "user"; smtp.mailFrom = "admin"; smtp.message = Message("user", "admin", "Test", "TestMail", Filename, Con); smtp.perform(); } From, Vino.B
Apr 27 2018
On Friday, 27 April 2018 at 17:57:26 UTC, Vino.B wrote:headers.insert(to!string(Base64.encode(Content)) ~ ".\r\n"); headers.insert("--" ~ boundary ~ ".");what are those random dots for?
Apr 27 2018
On Friday, 27 April 2018 at 18:20:46 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:On Friday, 27 April 2018 at 17:57:26 UTC, Vino.B wrote:Hi Adam, Thank you very much, after removing the dot the unwanted characters disappeared, The earlier program (as function) is working as expected without any issue, but if I change the program from function to Classes, then the programing is executing without any errors, able to get the attachment wihout any unwanted characters, but not able to get the body text, tries passing the body text as Array!sting and normal string, even then the body message is not appearing when I receive the mails. Code: import std.array: join; import std.base64: Base64; import std.container.array; import std.conv : to; import std.file: read, getSize; import std.format : format; import; import std.path : baseName; import std.uuid: randomUUID; pragma(lib, "curl"); class EmailMessage { static string Boundary; static this() { Boundary = randomUUID().toString(); } string From, Subject, cid, Filename, msg, crlf = "\r\n"; Array!string To, Body, headers, attach; int Size; void Attachment (string Filename) { attach ~= Filename; } string BuildMail () { string[] tos; foreach (e; To) { tos ~= e; } headers.insert("From: " ~ From ); headers.insert("To: " ~ join(tos, ",")); headers.insert("Subject: " ~ Subject); headers.insert("MIME-Version: 1.0"); headers.insert(format("Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"%s\"\r\n", Boundary)); headers.insert("--" ~ Boundary); headers.insert("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); headers ~ Body; //Array!string does not work headers.insert(Body); //string does not work headers.insert("--" ~ Boundary); headers.insert("Content-Type: text/plain"); headers ~ ((cid !is null) ? "Content-ID: <" ~ cid ~ ">" : ""); headers.insert("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"); foreach (File; attach) { string Fname = baseName(File); ubyte[] Content = cast(ubyte[])read(File); Size = to!int(getSize(File) + Body.length); headers.insert("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" ~ Fname ~ "\""); headers.insert(crlf); headers.insert(to!string(Base64.encode(Content)) ~ ".\r\n"); } headers.insert("--" ~ Boundary); msg.reserve(Size); foreach(header; headers) { msg ~= header ~ "\r\n"; } if(msg.length > 0) { msg ~= "\r\n";} return(msg); } void Send(string server) { const(char)[][] allRecipients; foreach (e; To) { allRecipients ~= e; } auto smtp = SMTP(server); smtp.mailTo(allRecipients); smtp.mailFrom = From; smtp.message = BuildMail(); smtp.perform(); } } void main () { string Filename = "D:\\DScript\\Test.txt"; Array!string To, Body; To.insert("user1"); To.insert("user2"); Body.insert("This is Test1"); Body.insert("This is Test2"); auto message = new EmailMessage(); message.To = To; message.From = "admin"; message.Subject = "My Subject"; message.Body ~= Body; //Array!string does not work mesagae.Body = "Test Body"; //string does not work message.Attachment = Filename; message.Send = "smtp://"; } From, Vino.Bheaders.insert(to!string(Base64.encode(Content)) ~ ".\r\n"); headers.insert("--" ~ boundary ~ ".");what are those random dots for?
Apr 28 2018
On Saturday, 28 April 2018 at 16:37:26 UTC, Vino.B wrote:On Friday, 27 April 2018 at 18:20:46 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:Hi Adam, Thank you very much, was able to resolve the issue. From, Vino.B[...]Hi Adam, Thank you very much, after removing the dot the unwanted characters disappeared, The earlier program (as function) is working as expected without any issue, but if I change the program from function to Classes, then the programing is executing without any errors, able to get the attachment wihout any unwanted characters, but not able to get the body text, tries passing the body text as Array!sting and normal string, even then the body message is not appearing when I receive the mails. [...]
Apr 29 2018