digitalmars.D.learn - Deprecation
- Manfred Nowak (4/5) May 15 2015 1) How to know when this will indeed be deprecated?
- Steven Schveighoffer (7/11) May 15 2015 That seems like a bug.
- Manfred Nowak (3/4) May 15 2015
Deprecation: super is not an lvalue1) How to know when this will indeed be deprecated? 2) What does it mean, when `super++' is signalled as depracation, but `super+=' is not signalled? -manfred
May 15 2015
On 5/15/15 12:50 PM, Manfred Nowak wrote:That seems like a bug. I think super being an lvalue in this context simply means that the *reference* is not an lvalue (e.g. you can't do super = someOtherObject), not the object it points at. Clearly anything that is passed by reference is an lvalue. -SteveDeprecation: super is not an lvalue1) How to know when this will indeed be deprecated? 2) What does it mean, when `super++' is signalled as depracation, but `super+=' is not signalled?
May 15 2015
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:That seems like a bug. -manfred
May 15 2015