digitalmars.D.learn - D'ish similar_text?
- Dgame (54/54) May 10 2018 I'm in need for some sort of string similarity comparision. I've
- Vladimir Panteleev (4/5) May 10 2018 That looks like an implementation of Levenshtein distance. We
- Dgame (14/19) May 10 2018 Oh, that could to work, thank you. I've just tested it quickly,
- Vladimir Panteleev (4/6) May 10 2018 Note that this formula will give you only 50% similarity for
- Dgame (6/12) May 10 2018 Hm, that does not work either. ABC and AZB have a different
I'm in need for some sort of string similarity comparision. I've found soundex but that didn't solved my needs. After some search I found a C implementation of similar_text, but that is quite ugly... I was able to let it work in D but it's still somewhat messy. Is there any D implementation of similar_text? Here's my current code which makes heavy use of pointer-arithmetic which makes it hard to understand. ---- void similar_text_similar_str(char* txt1, size_t len1, char* txt2, size_t len2, size_t* pos1, size_t* pos2, size_t* max) { char* p, q; char* end1 = txt1 + len1; char* end2 = txt2 + len2; size_t l; *max = 0; for (p = txt1; p < end1; p++) { for (q = txt2; q < end2; q++) { for (l = 0; (p + l < end1) && (q + l < end2) && (p[l] == q[l]); l++) { } if (l > *max) { *max = l; *pos1 = p - txt1; *pos2 = q - txt2; } } } } size_t similar_text_similar_char(char* txt1, size_t len1, char* txt2, size_t len2) { size_t sum; size_t pos1, pos2, max; similar_text_similar_str(txt1, len1, txt2, len2, &pos1, &pos2, &max); if ((sum = max) != 0) { if (pos1 && pos2) { sum += similar_text_similar_char(txt1, pos1, txt2, pos2); } if ((pos1 + max < len1) && (pos2 + max < len2)) { sum += similar_text_similar_char(txt1 + pos1 + max, len1 - pos1 - max, txt2 + pos2 + max, len2 - pos2 - max); } } return sum; } size_t similar_text(in string s1, in string s2, out double percent) { immutable size_t sim = similar_text_similar_char(s1.dup.ptr, s1.length, s2.dup.ptr, s2.length); percent = sim * 200.0 / (s1.length + s2.length); return sim; } ----
May 10 2018
On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 20:08:04 UTC, Dgame wrote:void similar_text_similar_str(char* txt1, size_t len1, char*That looks like an implementation of Levenshtein distance. We have one in Phobos:
May 10 2018
On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 20:13:49 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 20:08:04 UTC, Dgame wrote:Oh, that could to work, thank you. I've just tested it quickly, but that code seems to produce the same results: ---- size_t similar_text2(in string s1, in string s2, out double percent) { import std.algorithm: levenshteinDistance; immutable size_t distance = s1.levenshteinDistance(s2); immutable size_t len = s1.length + s2.length; percent = (len - distance) * 100.0 / len; return distance; } ----void similar_text_similar_str(char* txt1, size_t len1, char*That looks like an implementation of Levenshtein distance. We have one in Phobos:
May 10 2018
On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 20:32:11 UTC, Dgame wrote:immutable size_t len = s1.length + s2.length; percent = (len - distance) * 100.0 / len;Note that this formula will give you only 50% similarity for "abc" and "def", i.e. two completely different strings. I suggest to divide by max(s1.length, s2.length) instead.
May 10 2018
On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 20:38:12 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 20:32:11 UTC, Dgame wrote:Hm, that does not work either. ABC and AZB have a different outcome with both. How can I calculate the percentage with levenshtein? It's rather simple with similar_text since it returns the amount of similar chars.immutable size_t len = s1.length + s2.length; percent = (len - distance) * 100.0 / len;Note that this formula will give you only 50% similarity for "abc" and "def", i.e. two completely different strings. I suggest to divide by max(s1.length, s2.length) instead.
May 10 2018