digitalmars.D.learn - DMD Test Suite Windows
- Jonathan Marler (5/5) Dec 18 2017 Trying to run the dmd test suite on windows, looks like Digital
- Seb (11/16) Dec 18 2017 Have you tried a 4.x release of GnuMake.
- kinke (8/13) Dec 18 2017 LDC is running the dmd-testsuite with GNU make v4.2.1 (whose
- Benjamin Thaut (6/11) Dec 20 2017 I found that both the make that comes with msys and the make that
- Benjamin Thaut (24/28) Dec 20 2017 Here are my scripts:
Trying to run the dmd test suite on windows, looks like Digital Mars "make" doesn't work with the Makefile, I tried Gnu Make 3.81 but no luck with that either. Anyone know which version of make it is supposed to work with on windows? Is it supposed to work on windows at all?
Dec 18 2017
On Monday, 18 December 2017 at 16:06:33 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:Trying to run the dmd test suite on windows, looks like Digital Mars "make" doesn't work with the Makefile, I tried Gnu Make 3.81 but no luck with that either. Anyone know which version of make it is supposed to work with on windows? Is it supposed to work on windows at all?Have you tried a 4.x release of GnuMake. AFAICT it's the one used at auto-tester: Also have a look at this PR: (it uses gmake 4.2) If any case, it would be great if you could update the wiki page [1] if you manage to get it working on your machine. It looks rather outdated. [1]
Dec 18 2017
On Monday, 18 December 2017 at 16:06:33 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:Trying to run the dmd test suite on windows, looks like Digital Mars "make" doesn't work with the Makefile, I tried Gnu Make 3.81 but no luck with that either. Anyone know which version of make it is supposed to work with on windows? Is it supposed to work on windows at all?LDC is running the dmd-testsuite with GNU make v4.2.1 (whose source comes with a Visual Studio solution btw) on Win32 and Win64. IIRC, the OS detection needed to be tweaked (OS=win32|win64) and additional GNU tools were needed (=> using the ones git ships with). I didn't realize there's a Digital Mars make. ;)
Dec 18 2017
On Monday, 18 December 2017 at 16:06:33 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:Trying to run the dmd test suite on windows, looks like Digital Mars "make" doesn't work with the Makefile, I tried Gnu Make 3.81 but no luck with that either. Anyone know which version of make it is supposed to work with on windows? Is it supposed to work on windows at all?I found that both the make that comes with msys and the make that comes with mingw work for me. I‘m currently on vacation but once I‘m back and in case you are interrested I can post the batch file I use to run the dmd tests.
Dec 20 2017
On Wednesday, 20 December 2017 at 10:15:45 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:I found that both the make that comes with msys and the make that comes with mingw work for me. I‘m currently on vacation but once I‘m back and in case you are interrested I can post the batch file I use to run the dmd tests.Here are my scripts: You need to edit import/config.cmd and put in your paths to visual studio, msys and tdm gcc. A regular mingw also works, but if you use a regular mingw you have to remove the -j4 flag from the run-tests scripts as multi job make is broken in regular mingw (Thats why I use tdm-gcc). The 5 scripts included are: run-tests-win32mscoff.cmd - Runs the dmd test suite with the -m32mscoff flag run-tests-win64.cmd - Runs the dmd test suite with the -m64 flag setup-path-32mscoff.cmd - Sets up the environment so that building of druntime / phobos using the -m32mscoff flag becomes possible. setup-path-64.cmd - Sets up the environment so that building of druntime / phobos using the -m64 flag becomes possible. make-dlls.cmd - A bit of a unlucky name, but makes sense for my local workflow. Builds both druntime and phobos in 64 and 32mscoff. Hope this helps. Kind Regards Benjamin Thaut
Dec 20 2017