digitalmars.D.learn - Current LDC Android status
- Mike B Johnson (2/2) May 15 2017 So what is currently the state of affairs with LDC and android?
- Igor (10/12) May 17 2017 About a month ago I tried to build OpenGL sample app following
So what is currently the state of affairs with LDC and android? Last time I remember, it *could* compile to android but barely.
May 15 2017
On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 03:00:08 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:So what is currently the state of affairs with LDC and android? Last time I remember, it *could* compile to android but barely.About a month ago I tried to build OpenGL sample app following directions from here: but I used these samples to see how to configure the project in latest Android Studio which includes .so file compiled from D and nothing else: and it worked. I used Ubuntu bash on Windows to do it. It is not too complicated but is certainly not straightforward and I am also looking forward to having all this nicely integrated in one official compiler that would just work.
May 17 2017