digitalmars.D.learn - Creating Tuple or AliasSeq
- ANtlord (56/56) Apr 06 2017 Hello! I've got an issue related to making a Tuple or AliasSeq
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (18/22) Apr 07 2017 Here is a solution:
- ANtlord (2/20) Apr 07 2017 It's great! Thanks a lot!
- ANtlord (23/43) Apr 07 2017 I can't understand. Documentation of cartesianProduct points out
- Graham Fawcett (5/30) Apr 07 2017 No, int[] is a finite array. isInfinite is meant to test for
Hello! I've got an issue related to making a Tuple or AliasSeq using income template arguments. I want to create template makes an array of objects from array of arrays have different sizes and different types of values. I created temporary solution. It is a concatenation of strings that will be passed to mixin. But I just want to reorder parameters and pass them to ObjectType using AliasSeq or Tuple. Does it possible? import std.stdio; template objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...) { static string loopGen() { string code = (ObjectType[]).stringof ~ " res = []; "; foreach(i, _; Args) { enum level = to!string(i); code ~= "foreach(elem" ~ level ~ "; Args[" ~ level ~ "])"; } code ~= "res ~= " ~ ObjectType.stringof ~ "("; foreach(i, _; Args) { enum level = to!string(i); code ~= "elem" ~ level; static if(i + 1 < Args.length) { code ~= ", "; } } code ~= ");"; return code; } static ObjectType[] factory() in { static assert(Args.length > 0); foreach(argumentCases; Args) static assert(argumentCases.length > 0); } body { enum codeString = loopGen(); mixin(codeString); return res; } alias objectFactory = factory; } Example: struct Pair { int number; string name; } auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair, [1], ["qwe", "asd"]); auto pairSet = pairKit(); assert(pairSet.length == 2); writeln(pairSet[0]); // writes Pair(1, "qwe"); writeln(pairSet[1]); // writes Pair(1, "asd"); Thanks. Sorry if my english is not clear.
Apr 06 2017
On 04/06/2017 10:43 PM, ANtlord wrote:Hello! I've got an issue related to making a Tuple or AliasSeq using income template arguments. I want to create template makes an array of objects from array of arrays have different sizes and different types of values.Here is a solution: auto objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...)(Args args) { import std.algorithm : cartesianProduct, map; import std.array : array; return cartesianProduct(args).map!(a => ObjectType(a.expand)).array; } struct Pair { int number; string name; } import std.stdio; void main() { auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair)([1, 2], ["qwe", "asd"]); auto pairSet = pairKit; writeln(pairSet); } Ali
Apr 07 2017
On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 07:46:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:Here is a solution: auto objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...)(Args args) { import std.algorithm : cartesianProduct, map; import std.array : array; return cartesianProduct(args).map!(a => ObjectType(a.expand)).array; } struct Pair { int number; string name; } import std.stdio; void main() { auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair)([1, 2], ["qwe", "asd"]); auto pairSet = pairKit; writeln(pairSet); } AliIt's great! Thanks a lot!
Apr 07 2017
On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 07:46:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:Here is a solution: auto objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...)(Args args) { import std.algorithm : cartesianProduct, map; import std.array : array; return cartesianProduct(args).map!(a => ObjectType(a.expand)).array; } struct Pair { int number; string name; } import std.stdio; void main() { auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair)([1, 2], ["qwe", "asd"]); auto pairSet = pairKit; writeln(pairSet); } AliI can't understand. Documentation of cartesianProduct points out about finite arrays. At least one of arrays must be a inifinte array. As far as I know finite arrays is `int[3]` and infinite is `int[]` ( Am I right? If I am then I can't understand why DMD return error about finite ranges compiling following code. struct Hay { int a; disable this(this); disable this(); this(int a){ this.a = a; } } Hay[] params = [ Hay(1), Hay(23) ]; auto products = cartesianProduct(params, params); Error text:static assert "cartesianProduct involving finite ranges must have at least one finite forward range"I noticed that removing disabling default constructors helps. Does that mean an array contains objects of a struct with disabled default constructor is finite?
Apr 07 2017
On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 10:26:24 UTC, ANtlord wrote:On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 07:46:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:No, int[] is a finite array. isInfinite is meant to test for ranges which are statically defined to *never* be empty, no matter how many times you consume them. See std.range.repeat(T) for an example of such a range.[...]I can't understand. Documentation of cartesianProduct points out about finite arrays. At least one of arrays must be a inifinte array. As far as I know finite arrays is `int[3]` and infinite is `int[]` ( Am I right? If I am then I can't understand why DMD return error about finite ranges compiling following code. struct Hay { int a; disable this(this); disable this(); this(int a){ this.a = a; } } Hay[] params = [ Hay(1), Hay(23) ]; auto products = cartesianProduct(params, params); Error text:[...]I noticed that removing disabling default constructors helps. Does that mean an array contains objects of a struct with disabled default constructor is finite?
Apr 07 2017