digitalmars.D.learn - Conditional compilation of array of structs initializer
- Tony (23/23) Nov 09 2017 Doing a port of some C code that has an #ifdef in the middle of
- Michael V. Franklin (33/56) Nov 09 2017 Here's my attempt. There's probably a more elegant way, but it's
- Tony (1/1) Nov 09 2017 Thanks Mike!
Doing a port of some C code that has an #ifdef in the middle of an initialization for an array of structs. I am getting a compile error trying to get equivalent behavior with "static if" or "version". Is there a way to achieve this other than making two separate array initialization sections? struct a { int y; int z; } immutable string situation = "abc"; int main() { a[] theArray = [ { 10, 20 }, // version(abc) static if (situation == "abc") { { 30, 40 }, } { 50, 60 } ]; return 0; }
Nov 09 2017
On Friday, 10 November 2017 at 06:22:51 UTC, Tony wrote:Doing a port of some C code that has an #ifdef in the middle of an initialization for an array of structs. I am getting a compile error trying to get equivalent behavior with "static if" or "version". Is there a way to achieve this other than making two separate array initialization sections? struct a { int y; int z; } immutable string situation = "abc"; int main() { a[] theArray = [ { 10, 20 }, // version(abc) static if (situation == "abc") { { 30, 40 }, } { 50, 60 } ]; return 0; }Here's my attempt. There's probably a more elegant way, but it's the best I could do. import std.stdio; struct a { int y; int z; } enum situation = "abc"; int main() { enum head = "a[] theArray = [ {10, 20},"; static if (situation == "abc") { enum middle = "{ 30, 40},"; } else { enum middle = ""; } enum tail = "{ 50, 60 }];"; mixin(head ~ middle ~ tail); writeln(head ~ middle ~ tail); return 0; } The use of enums for this is called manifest constants ( It's more analogous to #define in C. Mixins are documented here ( Mike
Nov 09 2017