digitalmars.D.learn - Concatenate 2 ranges
- RazvanN (14/14) Nov 11 2016 I am trying to concatenate 2 ranges of the same type (SortedRange
- Vladimir Panteleev (6/12) Nov 11 2016 .array allocates, so it's going to be O(n), but the allocation
- RazvanN (7/20) Nov 11 2016 It does work, the problem is that [1, 2, 3].sort() is of type
- Vladimir Panteleev (19/24) Nov 11 2016 If you absolutely need a `SortedRange(int[], "a < b")` without
- Saurabh Das (8/22) Nov 11 2016 I think chain of 2 sorted ranges will not necessarily be sorted.
I am trying to concatenate 2 ranges of the same type (SortedRange in my case). I have tried merge, join and chain, but the problem is that the result is not an object of the type of the initial ranges. For example: 1. If I use chain(r1, r2), the result will be an object of type Result which I cannot cast to my specific type (SortedRange). 2. If I use merge(r1, r2), the result will be an object of type Merge!(typeof(r1), typeof(r)). I know that I can use the .array property, but I think that this iterates through all of my elements. Using assumeSorted(chain(r1, r2).array) will return a SortedRange, but I am not sure what the complexity for this operation is. Is there a way to concatenate 2 ranges (SortedRange in my case) in O(1) time?
Nov 11 2016
On Friday, 11 November 2016 at 13:30:17 UTC, RazvanN wrote:I know that I can use the .array property, but I think that this iterates through all of my elements. Using assumeSorted(chain(r1, r2).array) will return a SortedRange, but I am not sure what the complexity for this operation is..array allocates, so it's going to be O(n), but the allocation will probably be more expensive.Is there a way to concatenate 2 ranges (SortedRange in my case) in O(1) time?assumeSorted(chain(a, b)) ? This works for me: auto r = assumeSorted(chain([1, 2, 3].sort(), [1, 2, 3].sort()));
Nov 11 2016
On Friday, 11 November 2016 at 13:33:20 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:On Friday, 11 November 2016 at 13:30:17 UTC, RazvanN wrote:It does work, the problem is that [1, 2, 3].sort() is of type SortedRange(int[], "a < b") while r is of type SortedRange(Result, "a < b"). This is a problem if you want to return r in a function which has return type SortedRange(int[], "a < b").I know that I can use the .array property, but I think that this iterates through all of my elements. Using assumeSorted(chain(r1, r2).array) will return a SortedRange, but I am not sure what the complexity for this operation is..array allocates, so it's going to be O(n), but the allocation will probably be more expensive.Is there a way to concatenate 2 ranges (SortedRange in my case) in O(1) time?assumeSorted(chain(a, b)) ? This works for me: auto r = assumeSorted(chain([1, 2, 3].sort(), [1, 2, 3].sort()));
Nov 11 2016
On Friday, 11 November 2016 at 13:39:32 UTC, RazvanN wrote:It does work, the problem is that [1, 2, 3].sort() is of type SortedRange(int[], "a < b") while r is of type SortedRange(Result, "a < b"). This is a problem if you want to return r in a function which has return type SortedRange(int[], "a < b").If you absolutely need a `SortedRange(int[], "a < b")` without substitute, then there's no way except building an array that has the numbers sorted, which is always going to be O(n) unless you can place the two input arrays adjacent into memory beforehand somehow. However, if you just want the pre-chain ranges and post-chain ranges be a compatible type, you can use a class wrapper, such as RandomAccessFinite - thus, the assumeSorted result will be `SortedRange(RandomAccessFinite, "a < b")`. Note, though, that even though the algorithmic complexity will be O(1), every access to the wrapped range will go through a virtual method call, so it will affect performance in practice. There is no way around this because the type pulls in the underlying range's behavior, and e.g. SortedRange!(int[]) knows that the underlying elements are arranged linearly in memory, SortedRange of a chain knows that it first has to check which sub-range any operation will refer to, and SortedRange of a RandomAccessFinite knows that it just has to pass the request to a virtual class method which hides the underlying implementation.
Nov 11 2016
On Friday, 11 November 2016 at 13:30:17 UTC, RazvanN wrote:I am trying to concatenate 2 ranges of the same type (SortedRange in my case). I have tried merge, join and chain, but the problem is that the result is not an object of the type of the initial ranges. For example: 1. If I use chain(r1, r2), the result will be an object of type Result which I cannot cast to my specific type (SortedRange). 2. If I use merge(r1, r2), the result will be an object of type Merge!(typeof(r1), typeof(r)). I know that I can use the .array property, but I think that this iterates through all of my elements. Using assumeSorted(chain(r1, r2).array) will return a SortedRange, but I am not sure what the complexity for this operation is. Is there a way to concatenate 2 ranges (SortedRange in my case) in O(1) time?I think chain of 2 sorted ranges will not necessarily be sorted. For example, chain([1, 2, 10], [4, 5, 11]) -> [1, 2, 10, 4, 5, 11] which is not sorted. You will need some kind of a merge to get a sorted range from 2 already sorted ranges. Thanks, SD
Nov 11 2016