digitalmars.D.learn - Column wise output
- Vino (39/39) Jan 07 2018 HI All,
HI All, Request your help, in the below code the output from main (writeln(columns[0][])) function is like ["Miller", "John", "Millman", "Zsuwalski"] where as the writeln(col[0]) from the function master is as below, so how do i get the output same as in main from the function master. CSV file content Miller, America, 23 John, Africa, 42 Output from function master Miller America 23 alias ColumnTypes = AliasSeq!(string, string, int); auto readData(string fName) { auto uFile = File(fName, "r"); Tuple!( staticMap!(Array, ColumnTypes) ) res; foreach (record; uFile.byLineCopy().joiner("\n").csvReader!(Tuple!ColumnTypes)) { foreach(i, T; ColumnTypes) { res[i].insert(record[i]); } } return res; } auto master(T)(ref Array!T col) { writeln(col[0]); // The output2 is Miller // America // 23 } void main() { auto fName = "C:\\Users\\bheev1\\Desktop\\Current\\Script\\Others\\TColRead.csv"; auto columns = readData(fName); writeln(columns[0][]); // The output1 is ["Miller", "John"] foreach(i, ColT; ColumnTypes) { dictcompress(columns[i]); } } From, Vino.B
Jan 07 2018