digitalmars.D.learn - Calling Windows Command
Hi All, Request your help in calling the windows command to delete all file and folders recursively as the D function rmdirRecurse does not delete file in the permission of the file is readonly in windows 2008 R2 import std.process: execute; import std.array: empty; auto RemoveDir () ( auto dFiles = "C:\\Temp\Test1"; auto Step = "run"; if (Step == "run" && !dFiles.empty) { version(Windows) { foreach(d; dFiles) { execute(["rmdir.exe","-command", "/S /Q", `~d~`]); } } } return dFiles; ) void main () { writeln(RemoveDir); } From, Vino.N
Mar 21 2018
On Wednesday, 21 March 2018 at 18:50:38 UTC, Vino wrote:Hi All, Request your help in calling the windows command to delete all file and folders recursively as the D function rmdirRecurse does not delete file in the permission of the file is readonly in windows 2008 R2 import std.process: execute; import std.array: empty; auto RemoveDir () ( auto dFiles = "C:\\Temp\Test1"; auto Step = "run"; if (Step == "run" && !dFiles.empty) { version(Windows) { foreach(d; dFiles) { execute(["rmdir.exe","-command", "/S /Q", `~d~`]); } } } return dFiles; ) void main () { writeln(RemoveDir); } From, Vino.NIt is faster if you use SHFileOperationW directly on Windows (and also it will ignore readonly attributes): //not tested void winrmdir(string path) { import; import std.exception : enforce; import std.file: FileException; import std.utf: toUTF16; auto shpath = (path ~ "\0\0").toUTF16(); SHFILEOPSTRUCTW s; s.wFunc = FO_DELETE; s.pFrom = shpath.ptr; s.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI; enforce!FileException(SHFileOperationW(&s) == 0 && !s.fAnyOperationsAborted); }
Mar 21 2018