digitalmars.D.learn - Binary data in the code?
- Bill Baxter (15/15) Nov 04 2006 How does one embed binary data in code with D?
- Jarrett Billingsley (7/9) Nov 04 2006 Actually, if you then write
- Chris Nicholson-Sauls (5/23) Nov 04 2006 Of course one can get the "actual" size by doing 'data.length * (typeof(...
- Bill Baxter (26/42) Nov 04 2006 The compilers complaints can be useful for the fixed-length array --
- BCS (5/13) Nov 04 2006 IIRC, this works:
- Bill Baxter (6/26) Nov 04 2006 Ick. Combines the lack of readability of 'auto' with the lameness of
- Chris Nicholson-Sauls (5/39) Nov 05 2006 Well, if as in the example one wishes to use char[] as the holding data ...
- Bill Baxter (6/53) Nov 05 2006 No dice:
How does one embed binary data in code with D? In C/C++ one would do something like: static const unsigned char data[] = {99,12,2,21}; The compiler counts the elements for you, but you still get a compile-time length, so you can do sizeof(data) and you'll get back 4 in the above example. With D it looks like to get a fixed-size array I have to count the elements myself (annoying if there are a page full of numbers): static const ubyte[4] data = {99,12,2,21}; Or live with a dynamic array: static const ubyte[] data = {99,12,2,21}; Neither of which seems to be quite what I want, which is to end up with exactly one non-modifiable copy of the data in the data segment. Thanks, --bb
Nov 04 2006
"Bill Baxter" <wbaxter> wrote in message news:eihhpl$1ish$1 live with a dynamic array: static const ubyte[] data = {99,12,2,21};Actually, if you then write data.length = 6; The compiler will complain. However, getting data.sizeof does still return 8, which is the size of a dynamic array reference.. so.. hmm, confusing.
Nov 04 2006
Jarrett Billingsley wrote:"Bill Baxter" <wbaxter> wrote in message news:eihhpl$1ish$1 course one can get the "actual" size by doing 'data.length * (typeof(data[0]).sizeof)' but... ack, if you need to use this a lot (which I assume he will). Might be another example of where an expression alias would be useful. -- Chris Nicholson-SaulsOr live with a dynamic array: static const ubyte[] data = {99,12,2,21};Actually, if you then write data.length = 6; The compiler will complain. However, getting data.sizeof does still return 8, which is the size of a dynamic array reference.. so.. hmm, confusing.
Nov 04 2006
Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:Jarrett Billingsley wrote:The compilers complaints can be useful for the fixed-length array -- static const ubyte[1 /*intentionally wrong*/] data = [99,12,2,21]; The compiler will complain 'hey 1 is to small for 4 elements'. Really annoying to have to try to compile once to get the fixed length for the array, but it works. It seems like there should be a syntax for a fixed-length array with automatically-deduced length. I suggest either static const ubyte[$] data = [99,12,2,21]; taking the '$'-means-length syntax from arrays. That would suggest that ubyte[length] data should also work. Or alternatively use the 'auto' keyword: static const ubyte[auto] data = [99,12,2,21]; --- Anyway, I do find it useful to embed binary data in the app quite often, so I hope someone can chime in with the right way to do it in D. It's good for inlining little images and things like that. In fact, I have a little command line utility program for C++ that I use just for that purpose. It takes binary files and converts them to C++ source files. (It's a slightly modified version of this: I guess if I wrote a D version of that tool then I could have it automatically spit out the length as well, assuming fixed-length arrays are the right way to do this. --bb"Bill Baxter" <wbaxter> wrote in message news:eihhpl$1ish$1 live with a dynamic array: static const ubyte[] data = {99,12,2,21};Actually, if you then write data.length = 6; The compiler will complain.
Nov 04 2006
== Quote from Bill Baxter (wbaxter's articleHow does one embed binary data in code with D? In C/C++ one would do something like: static const unsigned char data[] = {99,12,2,21}; The compiler counts the elements for you, but you still get a compile-time length, so you can do sizeof(data) and you'll get back 4 in the above example.[...]Thanks, --bbIIRC, this works: auto data = [cast(char)99,12,2,21]; // type of data == char[4];
Nov 04 2006
BCS wrote:== Quote from Bill Baxter (wbaxter's articleIck. Combines the lack of readability of 'auto' with the lameness of D's first-value array typing rule. It's beside the point though, since that doesn't actually work. staticdata.d(9): Error: cannot infer type from initializer --bbHow does one embed binary data in code with D? In C/C++ one would do something like: static const unsigned char data[] = {99,12,2,21}; The compiler counts the elements for you, but you still get a compile-time length, so you can do sizeof(data) and you'll get back 4 in the above example.[...]Thanks, --bbIIRC, this works: auto data = [cast(char)99,12,2,21]; // type of data == char[4];
Nov 04 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:BCS wrote:Well, if as in the example one wishes to use char[] as the holding data type, one can always just use D's HexStrings. Then the example becomes: const data = x"63 0C 02 15"c ; -- Chris Nicholson-Sauls== Quote from Bill Baxter (wbaxter's articleIck. Combines the lack of readability of 'auto' with the lameness of D's first-value array typing rule. It's beside the point though, since that doesn't actually work. staticdata.d(9): Error: cannot infer type from initializer --bbHow does one embed binary data in code with D? In C/C++ one would do something like: static const unsigned char data[] = {99,12,2,21}; The compiler counts the elements for you, but you still get a compile-time length, so you can do sizeof(data) and you'll get back 4 in the above example.[...]Thanks, --bbIIRC, this works: auto data = [cast(char)99,12,2,21]; // type of data == char[4];
Nov 05 2006
Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:Bill Baxter wrote:No dice: static const auto data = x"00 10 A3"c; --> ?Error: 4invalid UTF-8 sequence The ? is actually some non-ascii character. --bbBCS wrote:Well, if as in the example one wishes to use char[] as the holding data type, one can always just use D's HexStrings. Then the example becomes: const data = x"63 0C 02 15"c ; -- Chris Nicholson-Sauls== Quote from Bill Baxter (wbaxter's articleIck. Combines the lack of readability of 'auto' with the lameness of D's first-value array typing rule. It's beside the point though, since that doesn't actually work. staticdata.d(9): Error: cannot infer type from initializer --bbHow does one embed binary data in code with D? In C/C++ one would do something like: static const unsigned char data[] = {99,12,2,21}; The compiler counts the elements for you, but you still get a compile-time length, so you can do sizeof(data) and you'll get back 4 in the above example.[...]Thanks, --bbIIRC, this works: auto data = [cast(char)99,12,2,21]; // type of data == char[4];
Nov 05 2006