digitalmars.D.learn - Automated D code editing?
- Lubos Pintes (7/7) Oct 12 2012 Hi,
- Aziz K. (4/11) Oct 12 2012 Refactoring tools are not available for D as of yet. Your best bet is to...
- Andrej Mitrovic (39/42) Oct 12 2012 You mean at compile-time? Try this:
- Lubos Pintes (3/45) Oct 13 2012 Although I thought about refactoring, which I know is not available yet,...
- Andrej Mitrovic (4/6) Oct 13 2012 Ah ok. Well it wouldn't be too difficult to write a small D script
- Aziz K. (3/6) Oct 13 2012 That's pretty ingenious!
- Nick Sabalausky (17/24) Oct 12 2012 If you're on Windows and know Python, you could download Programmer's
- Lubos Pintes (12/36) Oct 13 2012 Blindly replacing identifiers is certainly not what I need, I want for
Hi, I am still playing with DGUI library. Besides other things, I would like to convert enum names from "THIS_STUPID_NAMING_CONVENTION_WHICH_I_ABSOLUTELY_HATE" to "thisGoodOne". Obviously I could do this by hand but it is a bit time consuming. Any tool / hack to help me with this? Thank
Oct 12 2012
On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 19:51:02 +0200, Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes> wrote:Hi, I am still playing with DGUI library. Besides other things, I would like to convert enum names from "THIS_STUPID_NAMING_CONVENTION_WHICH_I_ABSOLUTELY_HATE" to "thisGoodOne". Obviously I could do this by hand but it is a bit time consuming. Any tool / hack to help me with this? ThankRefactoring tools are not available for D as of yet. Your best bet is to use a bash command or your editor's Find & Replace in Files feature.
Oct 12 2012
On 10/12/12, Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes> wrote:Hi, I am still playing with DGUI library. Besides other things, I would like to convert enum namesYou mean at compile-time? Try this: Copied below: import std.conv; import std.string; import std.traits; private property string toCamelCase(E)() if (is(E == enum)) { string result; result ~= "enum CamelCase {\n"; foreach (Member; EnumMembers!E) { foreach (word; to!string(Member).split("_")) { result ~= word.capitalize; } result ~= " = " ~ Member.stringof ~ ",\n"; } result ~= "}"; return result; } template CamelCase(E) if (is(E == enum)) { mixin(toCamelCase!E); } enum SOME_ENUM { VAL_FIRST = -4, VAL_SECOND } alias CamelCase!SOME_ENUM SomeEnum; void main() { SomeEnum en1 = SomeEnum.ValFirst; SOME_ENUM en2 = SOME_ENUM.VAL_FIRST; assert(en1 == en2); }
Oct 12 2012
Although I thought about refactoring, which I know is not available yet, this was very interesting example (for me as newbye). Dňa 12. 10. 2012 21:43 Andrej Mitrovic wrote / napísal(a):On 10/12/12, Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes> wrote:Hi, I am still playing with DGUI library. Besides other things, I would like to convert enum namesYou mean at compile-time? Try this: Copied below: import std.conv; import std.string; import std.traits; private property string toCamelCase(E)() if (is(E == enum)) { string result; result ~= "enum CamelCase {\n"; foreach (Member; EnumMembers!E) { foreach (word; to!string(Member).split("_")) { result ~= word.capitalize; } result ~= " = " ~ Member.stringof ~ ",\n"; } result ~= "}"; return result; } template CamelCase(E) if (is(E == enum)) { mixin(toCamelCase!E); } enum SOME_ENUM { VAL_FIRST = -4, VAL_SECOND } alias CamelCase!SOME_ENUM SomeEnum; void main() { SomeEnum en1 = SomeEnum.ValFirst; SOME_ENUM en2 = SOME_ENUM.VAL_FIRST; assert(en1 == en2); }
Oct 13 2012
On 10/13/12, Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes> wrote:Although I thought about refactoring, which I know is not available yet, this was very interesting example (for me as newbye).Ah ok. Well it wouldn't be too difficult to write a small D script that does this on source files. You wouldn't need a full-fledged parser just to rename enums.
Oct 13 2012
On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:43:07 +0200, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrovich> wrote:You mean at compile-time? Try this: Copied below: [SNIP]That's pretty ingenious!
Oct 13 2012
On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 19:51:02 +0200 Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes> wrote:Hi, I am still playing with DGUI library. Besides other things, I would like to convert enum names from "THIS_STUPID_NAMING_CONVENTION_WHICH_I_ABSOLUTELY_HATE" to "thisGoodOne". Obviously I could do this by hand but it is a bit time consuming. Any tool / hack to help me with this? ThankIf you're on Windows and know Python, you could download Programmer's Notepad 2 <> which supports scripting in Python to make custom macros/tools/extensions/etc. Maybe someone already made such a PN2 script, I don't know. It does already have a built-in keyboard shortcut for "convert to lowercase" (ctrl-u), which might at least help. Then you could manually uppercase the letter after each _ and then regex search/replace to get rid of the _'s. IIRC, Visual Studio has a similar scripting feature, but not in Python Visual-D. Or, it would probably be pretty simple to write a little script in D that just does a regex search for say, `[A-Z_][A-Z_]+` and then converts each instance. Unfortunately I don't know offhand of a tool that would do it all automatically without code needing to be written. :(
Oct 12 2012
Blindly replacing identifiers is certainly not what I need, I want for example FormStartPosition.CENTER_SCREEN to be written like FormStartPosition.centerScreen; Enums in DGUI are written like enum FormStartPosition { CENTER_SCREEN = SOME_WINDOWS_API_VALUE, ... } I need SOME_WINDOWS_API_VALUE unchanged. But it may be possible to do this with some script, I certainly check the notepad2. Dňa 12. 10. 2012 22:36 Nick Sabalausky wrote / napísal(a):On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 19:51:02 +0200 Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes> wrote:Hi, I am still playing with DGUI library. Besides other things, I would like to convert enum names from "THIS_STUPID_NAMING_CONVENTION_WHICH_I_ABSOLUTELY_HATE" to "thisGoodOne". Obviously I could do this by hand but it is a bit time consuming. Any tool / hack to help me with this? ThankIf you're on Windows and know Python, you could download Programmer's Notepad 2 <> which supports scripting in Python to make custom macros/tools/extensions/etc. Maybe someone already made such a PN2 script, I don't know. It does already have a built-in keyboard shortcut for "convert to lowercase" (ctrl-u), which might at least help. Then you could manually uppercase the letter after each _ and then regex search/replace to get rid of the _'s. IIRC, Visual Studio has a similar scripting feature, but not in Python Visual-D. Or, it would probably be pretty simple to write a little script in D that just does a regex search for say, `[A-Z_][A-Z_]+` and then converts each instance. Unfortunately I don't know offhand of a tool that would do it all automatically without code needing to be written. :(
Oct 13 2012